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"Can you untie me?"

Felix giggled and reached back, pulling one end and making the cloth fall to the ground.

Hyunjin brought his hands forward and moved his wrists, feeling the ache because of his harsh pulls.

"I've been trying to get rid of that for a while and you take it off in a second?" Felix caressed the red skin on his wrists with his fingers, dissipating the discomfort. "How do you even know how to do that?"

Felix chuckled, provoking Hyunjin to tense up at the feeling of his hole closing around him, since he hadn't pulled out yet.

"It's called bondage." He explained, grabbing the tie and taking it to rest around Hyunjin's neck. "I could teach you sometime."

"How did you learn?"

Felix didn't answer right away, he coughed and looked away from Hyunjin's eyes, curious to know more.

"I... Well I had a boyfriend that liked those things. I learned by... watching him do it."

A pinch spread on Hyunjin's chest, something bitter rested on the pit of his stomach.

"Mhm." He just replied, although it kinda sounded like a grunt.

His lips tightened, forming a thin line as he started thinking about someone tying Felix up and doing unholy things to him, just like he had just done to him.

He suddenly felt a warm hand resting on his cheek, caressing the soft skin with his thumb and making him realize that Felix was still in front of him, watching him with big apologetic eyes, as if he felt bad for having had sex with other people before Hyunjin.

"Everything's in the past, Jinnie." He clarified, noticing the fierce stare on Hyunjin's eyes and his sudden distancing. "I'm yours now. As long as you want me to be."

Hyunjin didn't answer, he just looked at the boy, his eyes were so sincere, just like his words, that sounded like a promise.

So he leaned forward and pressed his lips with Felix's, pushing his head closer with a hand on his nape.

Felix was surprised at first, but he quickly reciprocated the kiss, opening his mouth and letting the elder take everything he needed.

Hyunjin wondered how it was possible that a kiss could feel that good.

As much spit they were sharing, as much times their tongues collided, even if he had already memorized the taste and the feeling of each part of Felix's mouth, he felt like he couldn't get enough.

It wasn't gross, as he had experienced in the past. It was so delicious.

That's why he usually preferred to fuck girls laying on their stomach. So they wouldn't kiss him.

If sex was already bad, sex and kissing was just the worst.

"Hmmf-" Felix whined when Hyunjin started pushing his tongue further inside his mouth, unable to stop  comparing that feeling with the one from his previous lays.

He just wanted to erase everything and everyone before Felix and be able to remember only him.

His lips, his tongue, his voice, his body, his touch, his warmth.

"Jinnie-" Felix called his name, detaching their lips for a second. "I'm gonna get hard again if you keep doing that-"

But Hyunjin didn't listen. He brought his now free hands to Felix's butt and squeezed it, licking into his mouth and swallowing his moans.


"We're still- at a club store." Felix explained, reminding Hyunjin their location and feeling his hands leave his ass and his tongue his mouth.

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