Chapter Two

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I stretched, and smiled as I looked at the broken ceiling above me.

"Kenadie-kun!" Toga yelled. "It's time for your entrance exam, remember?!"

"Yup. I'm getting up." I said as I stood up, walking out towards the bar area. I had been living with the League since Dabi found me about ten months ago, and had stopped going to school as I practiced with my claws. I quickly ate a bowl of cereal, and headed off with my bag.

"See you guys later!" I yelled as I ran down the street with everyone waving at me. I ran through the curves in the road, hurrying to UA. When I got there, I was sort of overwhelmed with the amount of people trying to get in. I did see one person I recognized...

"Hey! Izuku!" I yelled, running to catch up to him. He was my best friend through middle and elementary school.

"Hey, Kenadie!" He smiled. "I'm glad you're okay. I was wondering where you went these past ten months."

"Yeah, well, this man had found me in an alley one day after school, and his brother helped me with my wounds, and I've stayed away from school, living with him since then." I shrugged.

The test had passed quickly as I headed back to the League, this time not running and instead taking my time. Once I got back, I slipped in without anyone noticing.

"Were you followed?"


"Good." Dabi said, stepping out of the shadows. "How many points did you get?"

"I got 88."

"Good, you should be getting in. I set up a box for you at the post office, so they'll call me when your UA letter arrives."

"K thanks, Dabi."

"No problem." I went and laid in my bed, exhausted after the long, physical, part of the test.

It had been about a week since the entrance exam, and I was now on my way to the post office, since my letter had come in.

"Hello!" I smiled, walking up to the open space, separated by a glass panel.

"Hello! Name please?"

"Kenadie McCarthy."

"Spell your last name, please?"


"Alright. Here's your mail, and have a great day." The person working smiled, handed me my letter, and I left to go and open it at the base in my room. I carefully tore open the envelope as I sat at the desk that Toga helped me build last week, placing the small hologram disc down carefully so as not to break it. A hologram of All Might appeared, and I gasped.

"Hello, Young McCarthy! You gained 88 points in the physical exam, and got 100% on the written exam, so we welcome you to UA!" The hologram then shut off.

"I got in!" I yelled as I raced to the bar area. "I got into UA!"

"Congratulations!" Shigaraki smiled slightly, but it disappeared as fast as it came. "UA has a dorm system, no?"

"Yeah..." I sighed.

"We'll miss having you around!" Toga sighed.

"I'll do my best to make sure I can save those who needed saving but never got it." I smiled.

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