Chapter Four

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I woke up with Mina's arms around me, and I looked at the clock. It was six. I tapped on Mina's arm, waking her up.

"Hm..?" Mina opened her eyes. "What time is it?"

"It's six. We need to get ready for school."

"Alright, I'll see you in class." Mina said as she stood up and left my room so she could get changed in her dorm. I changed, and went to my private bathroom and looked in the mirror as I brushed my short hair, and reapplied the blue dye on the tips. I went to the kitchen to eat breakfast and pack my lunch, and then went back to wash my hair. I put on my uniform, and then went back into the common room as it was now almost time to go. I found Mina waiting at the door for me, and we rushed out to get to class together.

Aizawa was standing at the front of the bus as we waited excitedly to get to USJ. Once we all stepped off the bus, and Thirteen explained what we were doing, a misty black and purple portal appeared, and Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, Twice, and Kurogiri stepped out, along with hundreds of other villains. I was pretty furious.

"Villains!" Aizawa shouted. "Everyone stay back!" I didn't listen, instead stepping right up to Shigaraki.

"Go back to the bar before I beat your ass so hard that it'll hurt until you die." I growled, unsheathing my claws. Shigaraki just blinked at me, then stepped back into a portal that Kurogiri made, along with the other villains.

"Problem child, care to explain?" Aizawa asked.

"It's...a long story..." I laughed a bit. "Ten months before the entrance exam, I was beaten up after school, and left behind in an alley...the villain that looked like a burnt piece of bacon with staples on his face, Dabi, found me, and introduced me to the League of Dumbasses. The hand guy, Shigaraki, is the boss. I told them the reason why I wanted to be a hero, and they kinda trained me until I got into UA..."

"What's the reason you want to be a hero..?"

"I...I want to help the villains..."

"K-Kenadie-" Izuku looked like he wanted to cry. "Y-You can't be a t-traitor-"

"Izuku, I'm not a traitor, I meant that in a way that I want to help them rejoin society, and I want to help people who didn't get help when they needed it most..."

"Go K!" Mina shouted, then ran up and hugged me. "My bestie is a true hero!"

"T-Thanks, Mina." I smiled.

" spent ten months with villains, and they trained you could get into UA..?"

"One was neglected by his father, the bacon one, the hand guy accidentally decayed his entire family, the girl was rejected by society because of her quirk, those are the types of people I want to save..." I explained.

"Let's just get on with training..."

When me and Mina got to my room after the day of brutal training, we were exhausted. We did some studying, and watched another movie before Mina fell asleep. I was still wide awake, so I just took out my Nintendo Switch, and just played Pokemon Violet, since I had nothing better to do. I was working on hatching eggs to get a shiny Hisuian zorua, which was one of my favorite Pokemon, when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I spoke softly, but loud enough so that the person on the other side could hear me. The door opened, and Momo stepped in.

"Hi, Kenadie."

"Hey, what's up Momo?" I asked, pointing to Mina so she knew to stay quiet. Momo nodded, then continued.

"Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari are going to go get McDonald's, do you want anything there?"

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