Chapter Eleven

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I woke up to two people talking, and realized it was Mina and Recovery Girl.

"She can go back to the dorms now, and she can participate in low-effort activities, just not anything big for the time being." Recovery Girl explained.

"Alright!" Mina grinned. "Sounds good!"

"Yeah." I said as I sat up.

Mina unlocked the dorm's door, and I almost screamed at what I saw. Toga was halfway in the floor, her upper half just chilling and chatting with Ochako. Shigaraki and Dabi were yelling song lyrics at each other on the counter while Kurogiri, Fuyumi, and Momo looked on. There was also a fire, Mirko, Hawks, and Natsuo were there as well. The kitchen was a mess, and most of the Dekusquad were leaning against a wall, watching the chaos unfold.

"What the hell is happening?!" I yelled.

"Kenadie's back!" Everyone yelled.

"Why is Toga in the floor, why are Shiggy and Dabi having a singing competition, and why is everyone else acting like this is normal?!"

"Because it has been normal since the beginning of the week you were out for." Fuyumi sighed. "Me, Momo, and Kurogiri gave up on them a long time ago."

"Aizawa-Sensei said us from the League of Villains could live here since our base got raided when we were gone. I also made him let me join class 1-gAy!" Toga laughed from the hole she was hanging from.

"Alright but- Why are you in the floor?!"

"Because I fell in. Why else?"

"Why haven't you gotten out?!"

"Because I'm stuck!"

"You have knives that you can cut the floor around you with!" I facepalmed as I walked in and sat on one of the stools at the counter, watching Shigaraki fight with Dabi through song lyrics.

A year had passed since the villains (And Hawks, Mirko, Fuyumi, and Natsuo) had started living in the dorms, and since Toga had gotten into my class somehow.

"Hey, Kenadie..? Can you come with me for a sec..?" Mina asked me.

"Sure! Just one sec." I smiled. "I'll be right back, Shiggy." I said as I followed Mina outside. We walked around campus for a bit, eventually reaching an empty clearing in the middle of some trees. I felt awkward, since we had both been silent this entire time.

"...So...why did you want me to come with you..?" I asked nervously.

"I- Um-" Mina stuttered. "I wanted to tell you...something...important..."

"You can tell me anything." I smiled warmly.

"For- For pretty much the entire time I've known you...I've had a huge crush on you..." Mina covered her face with her hands, blushing madly.


"I-It's fine if you don't like me that way but I just wanted to get it out-" Mina spoke so fast that I could barely understand what she said.

"I...I actually do feel the same way about you..." I looked down, twitching my whiskers.

"Y-You do-?" Mina looked up, shocked.

"Yeah..." I looked up, meeting Mina's eyes. We walked closer to each other, and shared a quick kiss.

"I never thought you'd feel this way as well..." Mina smiled softly. "T-Thank you..."

"Let's get back to the dorms. Shiggy's probably wondering what took us so long" I smiled back, kissing Mina on the cheek.


"What took you so long?" Shigaraki asked when I got back. We had been gone for about a half an hour.

"Oh nothing." I said, blushing a bit.

"Mina confessed, didn't she?" Shigaraki guessed, and I blushed even more, nodding a bit. "And what did you say?"

"I like her that way too..." I muttered, just loud enough for Shigaraki to hear it.

"Well congrats." Shigaraki smiled.

I was sitting in class, waiting for Aizawa, when he walked in, this time he wasn't in his sleeping bag.

"Next week there will be a UA concert, and all of you have to participate whether it's on the set or on stage." Aizawa sighed.

"That sounds so fun!"

"I'm excited!"

"I'm gonna do a solo."

It was finally the day of the concert, and every student had performed and it was now time for a special performance by Dabi.
"NOW, NO ONE PANIC WHILE OUR NEXT GUEST IS PERFORMING! THEY WILL NOT GO INTO THE CROWD AND GO ON A MASS MURDERING SPREE!" Present Mic yelled, and Dabi went up onto the stage with Shoto. Shoto stayed in the darkness, as they had a plan to surprise their mother, who didn't get the news that Dabi was Touya. Fuyumi and Natsuo were with her now, watching the UA concert. I just hoped it would go smoothly, and not Rei-breaks-out-of-the-hospital-because-her-dead-son-is-alive-and-a-villain-singing-at-UA.

The light stayed on Dabi as he started his performance.

"Oh, brother of mine, it's been a long, long, time, since I've seen my face in your eyes~" Dabi started, and I was surprised at how his voice didn't sound like death. "Oh, brother, I've returned to my burn scars of birth. Charcoal and iron brought me back...And I left you alone, in a house, not a home~" Dabi sang well, and next it was time for Shoto.

"From the ashes that fell, the mountains I knew so well, burned with Hellfire in the blue light of midnight..." Shoto sang as the light flickered to him. "Brother I watched the sky burn~ and all I learned was smoke...fills the lungs like a disease..." Gasps spread around the audience as everyone watched the two on the stage.

"Oh, brother I see, you burn like me, the singes on our skin like a brand. Oh brother I confess, there is a little of me left that could care about dousing the wildfire~ And I left you alone, in a house, not a home, and I watched the burning grow as my hair filled with gray..." Dabi sang, pouring a bottle of water over his hair as it once more faded to white as the water mixed with hair dye fell onto the stage.

"From the ashes that fell, the mountains we know so well, burned with Hellfire in the blue light of midnight. Brother I watched the sky burn, and all I learned was that smoke...fills the lungs like a disease..." The two of them sang, adding a note of sadness to each of their voices.

"Oh brother, did you know, you could just strike a match...hear him scream my name one last time! Oh brother I am home, in the fires of our youth, I could care less if it hurts you anymore~" Dabi sang, letting his voice rise and letting anger seep into it. "And I left you alone, in a house, not a home, and I watched the burning grow as my hair filled with gray-" Dabi looked pained, and his voice lowered again as the two of them then sang the final lines of the song.

"From the ashes that fell, the mountains we knew so well...burned with Hellfire in the blue light of midnight~ Brother I watched the sky burn~ and all I learned was smoke...fills the a disease..." Once the song was finished, the audience cheered and the two of them smiled and left the stage.

"You did so well out there, bacon face!" I joked. "I thought you were going to sound like death!"

"Hey!" Dabi punched my shoulder.

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