Chapter Sixteen

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It was an hour after Shigaraki went off on the man when Aizawa stormed into the dorms.

"Everyone get your asses into the common room!" He yelled.

"We're already here, dumbass." Katsuki scoffed.

"Oh. Anyway, who murdered that man outside?!"

"I did, sir." Shigaraki stood up. "I had told him that I am trans, and then he started to yell a lot of transphobic (?) and homophobic stuff, so I punched him and kicked him out the door." Shigaraki smiled.

" did you meet him..?"

"Me, Mina, and Shiggy were on a walk with Tora, Umi, Nichibotsu, Akira, Yukichi, and Aishun when he kicked Shiggy in the back and accused him of kidnapping." I explained.

"Reasonable explanation. I'll go bury him." Aizawa said, walking out.

"Guys!" Momo ran into the room excitedly. It's been about five months since the murder of Sora. "I'm pregnant with triplets!"

Those words sent everyone over the edge, and everyone was overjoyed. We were graduating from UA next week, so the three kids would grow up without Bakugou yelling and swearing every five seconds. We know it would be better because Tora has caught on to 'shit' and 'ass' from him. We were all allowed to stay at the dorms until we found living arrangements, but most of us had them already, excluding the couples with children.

"I plan on buying a mansion that we all can live in." Momo explained when it was just us with children or about to have children. I had just learned the week before that I was pregnant.

"Thank you, Momo." I smiled.

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