Chapter Seventeen

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It's been four years since we all moved in with Momo. She had three beautiful children, two girls and a boy, and I had my girl, Mizuki Ashido. Yukichi had almost destroyed the house the year before, and Akira had flown into a wall, setting it on fire. If Kota wasn't visiting with Eri and Izuku...we'd be dead. Everyone else's quirk manifestations weren't as eventful, and Mizuki had developed cat ears, a tail, and whiskers out of acid. It was adorable. Dabi and Hawks had two more egg children, Shiro and Raion, and Fuyumi had Shinobu and Rui with Mirko. They both visited sometimes.

"Hey! Kenadie!" Tora smiled as she walked into the house. How old was she now? It had been about 6 or so years since Ochako and Himiko first adopted her, so she should be 9 by now.

"Hi, Tora!" I smiled back, waving to her and the friends she brought home. Then there was a shouting match between Shigaraki and Dabi. Again. Hawks and Natsuo were trying to calm the fight, Momo was making tea, Mina was just watching as she scrolled through Twitter on her phone, and the children were running around somewhere. Luckily, Yukichi had gloves and Akira could control his fiery wings better now. I felt bad for Tora's friends, as they had to witness the bickering of the bacon and the crusty man.

"Sorry about all the yelling..." I sighed. "Shiggy might be able to decay anything he touches with five fingers, and Dabi might be able to cremate you, but they wouldn't hurt you. They have a soft spot for children." I explained. The children calmed down except for one, who started crying and asked for the bathroom. I had her follow me, and I took her to my room. "Kid, are you okay?" I asked gently, and the kid gripped onto me, and I just hugged her.

"The- The arguing reminds me of my parents...they don't get along, and sometimes hit me..."

"What's your name?"

"N-Nemuri...Nemuri Miya..."

"What's your quirk?"

"I don't have one..."

"Alright. How would you like it if we take a walk, and you show me where you live? I need to give your parents a piece of my mind."

"S-Sure." Nemuri smiled a bit as we walked out into the living room. The argument had stopped, and there were a few more burn marks on the couch.

"Why did I let Japan's top two wanted villains live here..." Momo sighed as she covered the burn mark with a pillow.

"V-villains-?!" Nemuri gasped. "Where?!"

"The bacon man and the crusty man were the villains. They've grown soft with their children." I shrugged.


"Anyways, Tora and her friends, I'm kidnapping Nemuri to pay her parents a piece of my mind. We'll be back." I waved, and we left.

"Why do you call me Nemuri..? Most people just call me Miya..?"

"Well I'm from the US. We say people's first names to address them there. Would you like me to call you Miya?"

"N-No- I don't mind you calling me Nemuri..."

"Alright then."

Nemuri led me to her house, and I rang the doorbell. I could already hear the bickering starting, and when her parents opened the door, she hid behind me. I was still in my hero costume since I had just gotten out of work when Tora walked in the door.

"Pro hero Spottedsoil? What do you need with us?" The woman asked.

"I have come on the accord of your child. Nemuri here says that you two yell and argue a lot and she's hit?" I questioned as they let me sit on their couch.

"No! We have never fought in our lives!" The man yelled. Nemuri winced.

"Mmmhmmmm...Do you have any other children besides Nemuri?"

"Yes. We have a thirteen year old girl as well." The woman answered.

"And where is she?"

"She's upstairs."

"Go get her."

"Tsuki! Get your ass down here!" The man yelled, and the other girl came running.

"Hello, Tsuki. I'm Spottedsoil, but you can call me Kenadie. I just have a few questions. Can we speak alone?"

"Oh. Yes of course." Tsuki bowed quickly.

"Can you two leave?" I asked the parents, who nodded and left quickly.

"So what did you want to ask me?"

"Just a few questions about your life. Like, have your parents ever argued, bickered, or fought?"

"Every day."

"And what's your quirk?"

"It's called Icicle. I can kinda make ice weapons?"

"Alright. And have you or Nemuri ever been hit?"

"Both of us are hit all the time."

"Alright. You two are both coming with me." I said, standing up and walking to where the parents were waiting. "Alright so, listening to what both of your children have said, I will be taking them with me."

"What?!" Both of the parents yelled in unison.

"I am taking Tsuki and Nemuri with me back to where I live. They will be better taken care of." And with that, I left, not giving the parents another bat of my eyelashes.

When we got back, I went to Mina first.

"Mina. I did something."

"Oh god, K...what did you do now?"

"I saved Tsuki and Nemuri here from a bad household and now they are ours."

"Well. I'd like to say, welcome to hell. Yukichi, Aishun, Naomi, Sho, Tsuru, Akira, Mirai, and Mako are the hell children, Tora is the angel, Momo can get you whatever you need, Me, Natsuo, and Hawks are the peacekeepers, Dabi is a prune, and Shiggy is just crusty. Kenadie is the one that doesn't give a shit about anything. I'm taking it Kenadie adopted you two, so your last name is now Ashido. Go have fun." Mina waved the two kids off, and I sat and hugged the smaller female. "You really shouldn't add more hell children."

"Too bad. I saved them from a bad household. I am not letting them find a group of uncivilized villains who don't know how to make cereal."

"I love you, Kenadie..." Mina sighed.

"Right back to you, Mina." I grinned.

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