Chapter Six

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I stretched, yawning as I sat up. Mina and Momo were already up. Momo was brushing her hair, and Mina was playing on her phone.

"Morning. Let's go get breakfast." I said as I opened the door, and they followed me. Momo went behind the bar to help Kurogiri out, since it would be harder for breakfast as there were more people to serve. Everyone eventually got their food, and we all just chatted until Kurogiri opened a portal to the dorms at about noon, and we all walked in, and back to the dorms, but unfortunately we have to answer questions now.

"Where were you six?!" Tenya exclaimed as we walked into the common room from the portal.

"Game night!" Mina answered.


"The League of Dumbasses hideout." Momo sighed. "I feel bad for Kurogiri."

"Why were you at the League of Villains hideout?! I have to tell Aizawa-Sensei about this!"

"Tenya, don't worry...He knows, and so does All Might." I explained.

"What- I-"

"I was with them for most of their game night. Hawks was also there, along with Yaoyorozu." Aizawa said as he walked from the teacher's side of the dorms.

"Aizawa-sensei?!" Kyoka gasped.

"Yeah I don't understand it much, but apparently Dabi is Todoroki's oldest brother, and is also dating Hawks, Toga is dating Uraraka, Shigaraki and Midoriya are cousins, and Kurogiri is in trouble." Aizawa sighed.

"I-" Tenya then just passed out, and Kyoka caught him.

"I'll take him to his room and watch over him..." Kyoka said as she carried Tenya to his room while everyone else just sat down to eat lunch. I sat between Mina and Momo.

"I'm worried for Iida..." Izuku sighed. "...I didn't think game night would make him faint."

"Oh, yeah, about game night, when's the next one?" Eijiro asked.

"There's one every Saturday." I answered him, and took a bite out of my lunch.

"Can we all go next week?" Denki asked, leaning across the table.

"I'll have to ask Kurogiri if he'd be okay with it, as he's kinda the one who watches everyone, like Tenya and Momo do, keeping them in line."

"Alright! That sounds good!" Denki smiled.

"I'll go call him now. I'll be right back." I said as I stood up and went outside to make the call.

"Hello? Kenadie?"

"Hi, Kurogiri, would you be okay if I invited my whole class for game night next week?"

"I don't see why not. I'll tape Shigaraki's gloves to his wrists for it then."

"Alright sounds good. I'll see you next week." I said as I hung up and walked back to the kitchen.

"What's his answer?"

"You guys can all come next week, he's gonna tape Shigaraki's gloves to his wrists, so no one will be dust."

"Awesome! Thanks Kenadie!"

The week had passed quickly, and it was once again Saturday morning. Mina and I had a sleepover last night, so we worked together to knock on all the doors of the dorms, including Midnight's, Present Mic's, and Aizawa's, and make sure everyone got ready. Once we were all in the common room, I explained the plan.

"Alright, so everyone, it will feel weird to go through the portal for the first time, but you will get used to it if we continue doing weekly game nights. I'll go in first, and then everyone will follow me, alright?" I heard a chorus of agreements, and I sent a text to Kurogiri to open the portal. I stepped into the base, and saw everyone in their usual places. Natsuo and Shigaraki were chatting at the bar, Toga was polishing her knife collection, and Dabi was glaring at Shigaraki while Hawks was trying to distract him.

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