Chapter Ten

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I woke up, and forgot what I was doing before realizing it was the day that me and Izuku left for Sir Nighteye's agency. As we were about to leave, Mina came running to us.

"I'm coming with you two!" Mina panted.

"Are you sure? After everything that happened last week?" I questioned.

"Yeah...Everyone else is going somewhere, and I don't have one to go to so I'm coming."

"Alright, then! Let's hurry!" Izuku said as we rushed out and towards Sir Nighteye's agency.

It had been three days since our work study started, and me, Izuku, Mina, and Mirio were all on patrol together. I almost tripped over a little girl running out from an alley, and Izuku caught her in his arms as she buried her face in his shoulder.

"Woah, are you okay?" Izuku asked the girl. No response. When I looked back to the alley, we were face to face with the villain that Sir Nighteye had told us was creating quirk erasing bullets or whatever that shit was. Overhaul.

"Give me the girl back." He said, glaring down from the weird beak-like mask on his face.

"Who's she to you?" I flicked my tail and twitched my whiskers, looking up at Overhaul as he glared at me.

"My daughter."

"Oh? Did you adopt her?" I questioned, looking from the girl and back to Overhaul.


"Then how come she doesn't look like you? She would at least have something similar to you." I shrugged.

"What do you mean by that?!"

"Shiggy says that even if the child is almost identical to the mother or father, there has to be one distinct difference that was on the opposite parent, for example, attached earlobes or detached ones. Yours are connected, and hers are not. That's how I usually tell the difference between adopted, biological, or stolen." I shrugged as I said this so nonchalantly, and Mirio was looking at me with fear. I twitched my whiskers, detecting if Overhaul was to move or not.

"Hey, little girl, is that your family member?" Mina asked the girl in a whisper, too low for Overhaul to hear, who shook her head. "Do you know him?"

"He- He experiments on me and cuts me open-" The girl whispered back, and Mina nodded.

"We'll save you. Just trust us." Mina whispered, and stood back up.

"We'll give you the girl back." Mina said. "She told me that she knows you, so I assume that's the case." Mina winked at Izuku and Mirio who nodded. The girl went back to Overhaul fearfully, and they left. We immediately rushed back to Sir Nighteye, and then the planning started. We were going to get that girl back whether or not Overhaul agrees.

My alarm went off, and I woke up slowly before remembering that today was the day we set our plan in action.

"Argh- Why so early-" I groaned as I sat up, shutting my alarm off. I stretched, and immediately changed into my hero costume, which was a brown short sleeve crop top, and brown shorts. I had a brown mask, and I covered my face, arms, and legs with dirt-like makeup for camouflage, and went barefoot so I could extend my claws and such.

"Hey, Kenadie!" Mina said as she entered my room.

"Morning." I smiled. "You ready?"

"Yeah. I hope we can pull it off."

"Same." I brushed my short hair and long, furry, tail. "We have to pull as much as we can."

"Yeah. Tsu, Ochako, and Kirishima will be great backup as the rest of us get in close. It'll be pretty difficult." Mina nodded as we walked into the common room, fully dressed in our hero costumes. Everyone who wasn't going was there to send us off.

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