The Scavenger Hunt

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It's 7:00 on a bright, sunny, Sunday morning, and the Fletcher's are taking some of the kids from the Kingdom Hall, on a scavenger hunt today. Although Thatcher, isn't one of Jehovah's Witnesses, like his wife is, but he decided that it would be fun to help his wife with the fun outing.

"Thatcher..." said Eliza, gently shaking her husband awake. He made a sleepy groan but didn't wake up. "Thatcher!" Said Eliza, shaking him a bit more vigorously this time. He groaned again but sat up and rubbed his sleepy brown eyes, his white hair sticking up all over the place. "Do you remember what today is?" Asked Eliza smiling at him.

"Uh...okay I know it's not our anniversary. Is it?" Said Thatcher tilting his head.

Eliza laughed out loud. "No you silly man. We're taking the kids on that scavenger hunt today. I signed us up last week. And if I may say, you seemed rather enthusiastic about that. Remember now."

"Oh! Yes!" Yipped Thatcher, more awake now. "What time are we

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supposed to pick everyone up again?"

"Ten o'clock. So we should leave by 9:40 to be at the Kingdom Hall on time." Explained Eliza.

"Roger that!" Said Thatcher, getting out of bed. "I guess I'll go take a shower, I shouldn't be long."

Eliza nodded. "Okay sounds good. Do you want anything particular for breakfast?"

Thatcher put is finger to his chin, pondering the question for a moment. "Nope, I'll eat whatever you cook."

"Well alright then, pancakes it is." Said Eliza smiling.

When the Fletcher's finished breakfast, they cleaned the dishes together, and gathered the last of their things to get ready to leave the house. "Thatch do you want to drive?" Called Eliza from the bottom of the stairs.

"Sure I can!" He called back down to her.

As Thatcher came down the stairs, Eliza saw an apprehensive look on his face. "Hey, are you okay Thatch? What's wrong?"

"Do you think, we'll be able to handle all the kids? Well I mean, do you think we will be able to keep them all safe? I mean their parents are trusting us with their children." Admitted Thatcher.

Eliza walked up to her husband and put her hand on the side of his face. "These children are lovely and very well behaved. They can be a bit mischievous at times." She huffed a laugh. "But overall they are great kids. Their parents are very happy that we've decided to take them on this little outing."

Thatcher smiled. "Okay, well I can't wait to meet them."

As they  drove to the Kingdom Hall, Eliza began setting up the directions to the scavenger hunt grounds. "Eliza?" Said Thatcher. She looked over at him. "So, who's going to be there again? I want to make sure I know everyone."

"Well you'll meet them when you get there, but there are six of them.

The Scavenger Hunt

Zephyr, you know him, well I know you've never actually met him but I've spoken about him. Ica and Claude's son."

Yes! You have! You are quite fond of those two, aren't you dear." Said Thatcher grinning.

Eliza threw her husband a smirk. "Well these two drove me nuts at times. I was the chaperone on most of their dates and they dragged me all over the place and they were always so love birdy. And that Ica, well she's a unique one I'll tell ya that." Eliza smiled to herself thinking of Ica's eccentric personality. "But nonetheless, yes, I rather do like those two. And their son is just like her, but he has his father's mannerisms."

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