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for @CalumsSnapback for your sweet comments on basically every chapter, I really hope you like this one x

There was a moment of silence after the words were spoken. It dragged on, and on, and on like no answer would ever come. It'd be a lie to say my palms didn't sweat as all he did was blink, long eyelashes fanning out over high cheekbones before he looked at me again.

He paused for a moment, but then his pretty chapped lips curved into a smile that held no humour nor love. His hair was stringy, greasy as it fell into his eyes while the cigarette left his lips. "What's wrong with me?" He echoed before his bony shoulders shrugged. "Everything, or nothing at all maybe."

And he stopped with that. But then I swear that his eyes turned cold as he stared down at the embers of his burning cigarette. I swear I saw his lips part, and I swear I heard him utter the words: but then again, maybe I didn't see anything at all.

"I want to die, but I want to live. Can that be counted as wrong?"

Then it was my turn to pause, to blink yet stare as I asked myself if I should reply. So, I asked him to repeat himself, but then his shoulders shrugged as he looked up from the ground, fingers pushing through dull hair. He told me it was nothing as he dragged his thumb across his lip whenever the cigarette parted from them. I could help but watch, but it wasn't unlike me to be captivated by whatever he does.

"what's wrong with you, then?" He asked me after a pause. And though I stared at his lips as they moved, compelled by the torn skin that looked red and raw, I barely heard the words he spoke. He repeated them again and that's when my eyes flew up. His eyebrow raised and chapped lips pulled in a pretty smirk I felt the rush of blood to my face. But then just as he had, my shoulders shrugged as my fingers moved through my hair, I told him nothing but he gave me a look as if he knew it was something.

"pretty boys shouldn't cry." He told me and I swore my heart broke through my chest with how hard it banged against my ribs. It didn't stop as my eyes lowered to my feet, it continued to beat maddeningly as a laugh escaped my lips I had to force, saying good thing I wasn't a pretty boy then.

But then his fingers tucked under my chin and I forgot how to breathe. His eyes were sparking though they were dull I swore I saw a light, a glint of amusement as he raised my head and I didn't know what to do whenever he said, "I meant pretty boys like you."

I wanted to say something. I wanted to have some kind of retort that I could be sure would make his heart hammer like mine did. But no words came as my cheeks flared with heat, tear tracks forgotten and bruises nothing more than faint memories. His voice was slow, it was tired but I swore within it there would be a laugh, pitched with a giggle and a smile to pull at full lips. But i did nothing. Nothing as he stared, nothing as I stared back, and nothing when the bell rang for period eight.

But then his eyes directed over my shoulder at the ring of the bell and his hand fell from my face which felt cold at the sudden movement. But it lingered as his open palm grazed along my arm, fingertips ghosting along covered skin I hated to see as he stepped away, eyes looking back to me. "Id better be going," he told me as he moved away while I was left there with what just happened on reply.

As he moved away I did not react, though in my mind I begged him to stay. And as he moved away, it seemed like I could breathe again. But then his voice rang out clear. He called my name and my heart stopped at the way the letters curved as they came from his lips, curling in the air with a beautiful sound that made me wonder if that was what angels sounded like.

Then I felt his hand on my shoulder as his lips brushed against my ear, sparking something in my chest like striking a match against rugged brick.

"I saw you."


anyways, moving on, i hope you liked this chapter and as always vote, comment and all of that lovely stuff.

another thing, my favourite idiot @BrokenTail-lights is putting up a one shot so you all should go over there for some malum fun and fangirl with me <3

until next time my beauties,

-rachel x

pretty chapped lips : malum :Where stories live. Discover now