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this chapter is dedicated to icantfindmyusername who always seems to be my first vote and never stops making me smile due to that and the occasional comment, i hope you enjoy x

It was Monday, therefore, he wasn't following schedule.

It wasn't like I was looking for him this time, or that it would make any kind of sense for him to be there in the first place. But he was. And I couldn't figure out why.

Hands shoved into pockets, head hung low, I tried to ignore those around me with the music that played too loud through my earphones.

The halls swelled, thrivingandthrobbing with students packed full of hormones and angsty teenage hopes and dreams that will inevitably be crushed one of these days. Everyone was loud, whether they spoke or not. The slam of locker doors, the ever present elephant thump of feet on the ground and constant drone of talking and laughing from people with out any real care in the world. There wasn't a moment of silence, and I didn't expect there to be. 

I was like a rag doll, too timid to push my way through the perfume dowsed and sweat coated body's that together formed what seemed to be a sea of bodies. Music on full blast, bass knocking against my skull, but still the shrieks and happy go lucky tones broke through. By the time I managed to slip through the crowd, sun kissing my cheeks and music flowing free - I felt like I could finally breathe

The way I went home wasn't a romantic, dark little side path with overgrown trees with branches hanging low enough to touch and soft dappled light hitting the beautiful wreaks of homes once loved. In fact, it was pretty plain. My feet thumped against the footpath, like another heart beat as the cars drove by like blood running through veins. I walked along the main road - unsurprisingly - considering that was where I actually lived. 

But this time, I didn't get far. 

It still felt strange to see him. Even though we've spoken, words passing his lips made for me and not just the air around him and his darkened mind. He leaned up against the end of the school gates, backt o the metal with the school bus lounging before his feet, ignoring the looks of passersby with a cigarette between his lips and the evidence of his chain smoking as stubs by his feet. I couldn't help how I slowed when walking to him. Heart beat hard, breathing stilled and head aching with sad questions to never be asked. 

I half expected him to let me walk by. The other part hoped he would reach out a hand, fingers curling around my wrist and a smile on his lips that made his dead eyes light. But, I didn't expect what happened. 

As I passed, head hung low I saw a cigarette stub flicked to the floor, crunched under heel as I walked by. But then they were gone from sight, and past of my head ached at the realisation. But then my song ended as another went to play, I could hear footsteps following maybe too close behind. For a few moments, I wondered if he followed in my steps. 

But when my feet hit the tarmac, ready to cross the busy road filled with students and adults alike - I felt an arm around my shoulder.

The next thing I knew, I was being guided away. 

I didn't fight,for I knew who it was. Instead I took the earphones from my ears, old iPod slipped from pocket as I wrapped them around, yet never looking to his face. There was silence as we walked away, from my school, from my home and perhaps from my common sense. 

"Where are we going?" I asked after a few moments of silence, the ever present him of car engines the only thing to ruin the moment as his hand gripped my shoulder and the shoulder pressed to mine shrugged.

Sometimes, I wonder if he even knows what he's doing. 

"To talk."

AN so, this is an early update. 

basically i won't be able to update on saturday due to the fact i'm at pride (fuck yes hell yes fUCKING HELL YES) and friday im out with a friend for most of the day. not to mention the fact i wrote like six chapters in the past couple days and felt like being nice.

so, what do you guys think is going to come from calum and michaels impromptu meeting?  comment and let me know what you hope to come, you may even get it right, who knows.

comment, vote and all that lovely stuff and until next time my lovely readers

-rachel x 

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