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Keeping things from Luke was easy

He was oblivious to everything outside his little world of hair products, Ashton Irwin and guitar riffs that make his mother smile so fond it makes my stomach churn. It was easy to hide the way my stomach tied itself in knots when he said something that poked a nerve, easy to hide the little bruises that kissed my skin and easy to hide the fact i couldn't give a damn about the beautiful Ashton Irwin that he's so infatuated with that it makes me feel ill. 

Everything was just easy with Luke. Because Luke didn't get mad when I fell asleep on his shoulder during a presentation because it's been days since my last full nights rest. Luke doesn't question it when I have no money to buy lunch most days of the week and just passes me the sandwich wrapped up in cling film he told his mum he needed for brain food during studying. Luke was easy, simple, dependable to always nod and chat away like nothing's going on. 

The night Luke yelled at me was a first, and consequently a last since the pair of us never dared speak of it after. 

Until he decided to ruined the calm by bringing it up again that is. 

It was after school. The halls were quiet and lonely, nothing more than a ghost town compared to the hustle and bustle of students tearing down then throughout the day. Our footsteps tapped along, echoing as they bounced off the walls, dancing along the hall before us as we walked from the music room we spent the past two hours in trying to finish off a song not due till the years end. 

"Hey, Mikey?"

I hummed, a slight sound of a response though I didn't say a word. 

"Youre not like, hanging out with that Calum guy, right?"

The question caught me off guard. I almost tripped over my feet and I swore my heart slammed against my chest hard enough to crack a rib. 

I've never had a problem lying to Luke. I've never had an issue with erasing the truth and writing him a pretty little lie in its place. But the way my heart hammered and I swore my cheeks were alight in the kind of colour that made my skin look burntandblotchy made panic rise within, burning my skin as it courses through the veins running right under the surface. 

It felt like one of those moments that you couldn't describe with words. Because every thought had an image paired and I couldn't help the foul taste lingering in my mouth. 

No way, Luke. I saw lips quirk into a smile, 'Calum Thomas hood,' he told me as we walked, feet kicking up dirt as the sun began to sink over the tree tops, 'what about you?'. 

Why would I? He scoffed, a wonderful sound echoing from his throat as his dark eyes watched the nervous fidget of my hands, 'it's just ditching, what are you, scared, Clifford?'

What made you think that? His eyes were dark, almost black and I wondered where the light went as he shrugged his shoulders, voice horse and low, 'just a party, was pretty shit.'

It was like i was sitting in a movie theatre. Watching his features blown up on the big screen. Whispering lies to the boy by my side. 

"Of course not."

A/N hi hi hi friends - well readers, but yeno you're friends now deal with it.

anyways i hope you liked this chapter as always and i have a little news.

as i mentioned before i have ao3 which has a lot of my one shots (there aren't even that many right now whoops) but i also put them on here! so if you go to my profile you'll see that i have my one shots publish so if you feel like it go on and read some, if not well, alrighty then it's your choice anyways.

this will be my last update before school starts which is sadly in two days, im getting my hair dyed and i have a lot of ideas im writing currently or that are just chilling out in a giant document full of around fifty of them now. so thats my pointless news.

as always vote, comment and just do whatever you want really, i love you guys and until next time

- rachel x

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