Before you get into the story

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I want you guys to read this first

Hi guys... This is Aliya here ...

Why am I writing this

Okay so nothing much , I just wanted to tell you guys something

The thing is first of all I am surprised to see number of people adding my book to thier reading list, I didn't even expect anything from this book so it is quite shocking

I started this book in a hope of being recognised for my imagination and work but it wasn't easy as I thought... It was more than difficult

I had that enthusiasm in the beginning, to write you know I didn't care if I got reads or not  and thanks to my friends who kept supporting me in the worst of all ...  when no one read ... They were there  for me

But then I had to focus on my studies and had to get into a medical College no matter what

So I stopped writing and I am serious even though I knew the storyline, i couldn't because of the busy schedule and stuffs

And thank goodness I got into my desired degree ... I am happy that I made it...

But then medical field means no free time , so I completely stopped writing

And now after an year , I am seeing that many of you all are adding this book and some even started reading... I am happy for that

So I planned to write it and complete the story... I might take time to complete it though  but then I am confident that i will update...

And for the people who are reading this... I know in the beginning it's kinda cringe and I have added some Korean words (which shouldn't have been there) but as you go through it.. I have quite improved a lot....

At least you will not cringe while reading it.. I can assure you that

So in the end , if you guys comment here and tell me that if you want then I will continue...

As for now

Bye bye

Have a great day/night /afternoon/evening


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