What is Venus?

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Venus is the planet of love, beauty, pleasure, justice, sex (aphrodisiacs and arousal), and peace. It is an air planet. It's associated with the Greek goddess Aphrodite. Venus wants us to live a pleasant life of ease. She represents all we appreciate and adore. The sign she enters shows HOW we express our love, adoration, and appreciation. The aspects show us how difficult or easy it is to use her energies in our lives and how much of it we use as a result.

Ever heard of the saying, "Men are From Mars, Women are from Venus"?

In a woman's chart, Venus is her ruler, while men are ruled by Mars. This is more socialized than anything. We have all the planets in our charts and are capable of using all of our energies.  But in our society, women tend to connect with Venus more than men do. Thus, the sign Venus is in tends to tell woman a lot about her own status as a "woman" and her identity in relation to her peers. Venus is a social planet, after all. Venus also reveals what women expect from relationships in general and her own sexuality.

Venus has a real beautiful side to it, but she isn't flawless. While Venus blesses women with charm, grace, beauty, and love, it curses them with a passive nature, vanity, and social conformity (stifling originality). Of course, there are some women who are exceptions to this rule.
Mars is another planet that rules sex, as I mentioned before, but it's different for women than for men.
Venus and Mars are the two relationship planets in our charts. But for most women, Mars is projected onto men. She may often expect a man to live up to standards she herself doesn't feel "allowed" to release. This will come in the form of the man she's "attracted to". From my experience, the stronger her Venus is, the more pressure she feels to conform. Therefore, women with Venus in her rulership signs (Taurus, Libra) or her exalted sign (Pisces) tend to project their Mars energy more in relationships and feel more uncomfortable expressing such "masculine" traits. Women with weaker Venus signs, such as Venus in detriment (Aries, Scorpio) or Venus in fall (Virgo), tend to be more comfortable with revealing sides to them that are deemed more "masculine", though all women struggle with the need to conform. Aspects from Venus to Mars also make a woman more comfortable with her masculine energy.

So you may be wondering: If Mars rules the kind of man a woman is attracted to, why does Venus rule over what she expects out of love? This is the tricky question. It's actually quite simple. Though women may be drawn to certain men because of their "masculine" energies, they often have certain codes for how even the "baddest" boy is supposed to treat a "lady". In other words, even though women are attracted to the "bad, rough, and tough" Marsian energy, they still expect to be treated well by him, according to the "lady" she feels she is (which is ruled by her alter ego, Venus). So though she may naturally be drawn to a man's approach (Mars sign), she may not feel he treats her well if he doesn't respect or honor her the way she feels she deserves  (reflected by Venus).
Because women project Mars, often times this can create conflict with her Venus energy, especially if there are harsh aspects. A good example of this complicated love life would be singer-songwriter Taylor Swift's love life (well, as she describes in her music). Taylor Swift has Venus in Aquarius and Mars in Scorpio. Having Mars in Scorpio, she's naturally drawn to "Pluto and Mars" in a man, the edgy, bad boy types. It's pretty evident when we listen to songs like "I Knew You Were Trouble" and "Style". She describes a guy who "doesn't care" and "she guessed she liked that". In style, she describes the man as having a James Dean look in his eyes, long hair, slicked-back, white t-shirt...She seems to be drawn to men who sweep her in passionately, who give her a rush, men who have the ability to manipulate and control her psychologically. She likes this bad boy image.
So why would it hurt her for him to leave? Why would she be arguing with him? After all, you can't expect a bad boy to be good, right? This is because of what she expects when she gets with him, which has a lot to do with the woman she is. It has something to do with her Venus in Aquarius. Unlike Scorpio, Aquarius is a mental air sign. Aquarius upholds humanitarian values, stays away from the depths and drama of messy emotions, abhors power and control, and tends to be social and friendly. When we hear the song, "You Belong With Me" or songs like "Style", we see the woman SHE is: quirky, lovable, and a good girl. She likes her "tennis shoes" rather than "high heels". Instead of being "cheer captain", she's on the bleachers. This good-girl-geek seems in total contrast to the bad boys she seems to be drawn to. She likes the bad boys, but expects to be treated like a "good girl" BY this bad boy.
What she may not know is the "bad boy" is her projection. It's only how she PERCEIVES him. Honestly, we all can only "perceive" how others are. We can never know what's truly going on inside a person. We aren't them. And no matter how we see a person, they each have their own natal charts that may reveal things we may not totally expect from a person. She may see him as a "bad boy", and his chart may reveal he's nothing but a softy! So in all honesty, inside, SHE'S the one who's drawn to the dark side! It's her internal bad girl that is constantly drawn to the bad boy! She's the one who desires to live life on the edge. But she has projected this energy onto the men in her life. That's how Venus and Mars work in many womans' chart.
There are other planets in signs that affect our relationships (as well as houses), but Venus is directly associated with our attraction to others, our love for things, and what we desire. Mars works with Venus, but Venus is especially important when it comes to women understanding their gender identity.
Moon is another planet that reveals a woman's "feminine identity". But Venus is the beauty and charm in women, Moon is the wife and mother in women. Venus is the girl, Moon is the woman. Venus is our identity when we're among our peers and potential lovers. Moon is our mother's identity or our identity as a "parent" or "wife" or long-term girlfriend. This is how we represent our family and how we see ourselves among our family and close friends. Mother's influence often follows us wherever we go, so we carry her presence with us in public, too. We just don't often realize it (or if our relationship with her is shaky, we don't want to).
In a lesbian's chart, she tends to balance both her masculine and feminine energies well in a relationship, considering she may not feel the need to be the submissive or assertive one in her relationship. It may vary according to her partner. Still, even lesbian women may feel the pressure to conform like all the other women. She may not project her Mars on a man she's interested in, but she may end up projecting her Mars on men in general. She may even look for a female partner who has more masculine qualities if she really is out of touch with Mars.
In a man's chart, Venus tends to reflect the qualities he would rather "project" and reveals his idea of the "ideal" woman.

Mars in a man's chart will reflect his social identity and what he expects from a relationship, especially sexually.

This book can be the most enlightening for men who are looking for a lovely lady or for men who are particularly interested in a woman right now. This article can be very helpful. Many men have a hard time understand the female mind and often may feel confusion when trying to date women. They may notice that though some women claim to be attracted to certain qualities in a man, some women may wish for that man to treat her just the opposite of who he is! Therefore, he may feel women are difficult to please. Well, worry no more! If you look into her natal chart and observe her Venus and Mars signs, aspects, and house placements, you will understand her better.
For ladies, this book can help you understand yourself better in relation to society. This can help you exactly define what you are searching for in relationships. You may relate to the following explanations. This article might be enlightening for gay women as well.
Now that you know a little bit more about Venus and her partner Mars, we can learn how each sign utilizes Venus's gifts and how women define themselves differently according to her Venus sign!
*Some parts of the interpretations might be too much for those under the age of 18. Reader discretion is advised

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