Venus in Capricorn

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Venus in Capricorn
Venus Conjunct Saturn
Venus Opposite Saturn
Venus Square Saturn 

Feminine Identity: Venus enters the cardinal earthy Capricorn. This sign is ruled by the cold and calculating planet Saturn. There are some things that Venus is comfortable with here, and some things she's not too keen on. Saturn is exalted in Venus's own sign, Libra. Therefore, Venus understands Saturn's need for self-control, modesty, and relationship responsibility. She relates to Capricorn's reserved nature. But Capricorn can be a little more firm about it. Venus is easy-going and not as serious as Capricorn is. She's happy as long as a relationship is pleasurable. Capricorn wants to place rules and boundaries, which can make a relationship less pleasurable and ideal.

Venus in Capricorn women want their love interests to see them as ambitious, hard-working, down-to-earth, cool, dependable, mature, and loyal individuals.

They want their love interests to know that they can be good providers and will make good mates. They want their love interests to see they have a lot to offer. But they want the dirty dogs to know they also don't play any games.

These women are mature and looking for real love. Even with someone they're really attracted to, they set those boundaries.

Mostly, though, they are goal-oriented. When they set their sights on someone, they are determined to win that person's affections.

In order to give them just the right class and just the right sexy, they aim for form-fitting attire in business, earthy, or sleek colors. They might be a fan of pencil skirts or bodycon dresses. These ladies like to stay in shape. They might choose attire that gives them a slimmer waist.

They may not show a lot of skin, but they make sure you know what's going on underneath. Some do show a lot of skin if they're feeling ambitious enough. They know what it takes to get their love interest to notice them. When they do show skin, they might like to show off their legs.

Leather always makes them feel sexy and in control.

They might whiten their teeth and make sure their skin is glowing before they get around their love interest. They might feel self-conscious if they wear braces unless braces are the new trend.

They like to look like they are worth it, so they might wear name brand attire or high-quality clothing and accessories.

Then there are others who are more simple.

Venus in Capricorn women attract love interests to them in traditional ways. They might flirt quietly and maturely. They might offer to cook dinner for a lover or they might buy or make their love interest a gift.

Love interests are drawn to them because they appear cool, calm, and in control. There's a bossy sexiness about them. They seem to be able to manage a whole lot at the same time. The only thing they can't control is their charisma.

These ladies like to take their time. They don't like to rush. Those who appreciate that in a woman will love this about her.

These women seem like they have it all together. They are smart, practical, and wise. They are good with finances. They seem to have their scruples. When you get to know them, you realize they know what they're doing.

Despite the fact that these women seem to be in control, these women cherish the simple things in life, and this makes them appear like simple lovers. While some Venus in Capricorns may intimidate suitors because they seem difficult to please and they seem to be self-reliant, others may be so appreciative of the little things in life that they may seem easy to please.

Because these women usually have their own money and other assets, they are willing to split the bill or treat their partner to some dinner sometimes. This can be attractive to a partner who wants to be taken care of.

These women aren't attention-seekers when it comes to love. In fact, they can even be shy. Even if they love attention in other aspects of their lives, when around their crush they play it cool and keep their distance. They prefer to be approached, but if they want you, they will approach you in a smooth and straightforward way after they've carefully thought out what they want to say.

They don't toy with people's feelings. Eventually, they will let you know how they feel. They just need the right time to do so.

These women are classy. Despite what you might think, they have standards and they know how to behave on a date. This can be very attractive.

They are down-to-earth though. They know how to let go and have a little fun. They can be easy-going as well. They have a sense of humor, too.

The Venus in Capricorn woman's weakness is that she's got far more to offer than most of her suitors can compliment. Really, she doesn't often need a partner accept for companionship. But her success can really be intimidating, especially because she often expects partners to offer even more than she has! She wants to be taken care of, but she can really take care of herself. It's hard finding a partner that can truly meet her halfway. She may have to lower some of her expectations a bit. But trying to tell this stubborn lady to do that is more difficult than pulling teeth.

She's also really distant. Despite the fact that she wants companionship, she's rather reserved and traditional in some aspects. She's always waiting for the right time to take the next step in her relationships. While this protects her from those who aren't serious, it can also appear like she doesn't trust the people she loves until they have really proven themselves.

She also might take love too seriously. She's looking for someone loyal and dependable. She's not really into airy affairs. If she does get in one, she has to get something out of it. When she's serious, she is. This might dull the relationship a little bit, but she will definitely try to make sure it's worth it.

They also take their time choosing lovers. They may be sure they love someone, but they may not always be sure that person is the one. They might run away from people who really care for them because of their insecurities or fears. They sometimes take too much time trying to decide when to tell someone their feelings or when to decide to choose a lover. By the time they've decided, their lovers might have moved right on. They need time. Lovers who are interested have to give them that time.

She might be known to use people for money or status. Most Venus in Capricorns are not like this, but there are some out there. They might get with people for the benefits or for business rather than love or pleasure. They are practical women and study the advantages of every situation. They have to be careful not to hurt people while climbing the ladder on someone else's back.

Most of them would rather be with someone they're in love with though.

She's a realist. Sometimes, this makes it seem like she lacks imagination or that she's negative. There are times where she might cut down others' self-esteem or bring the mood down. A lot might sound good to her, but if your promises seem unrealistic, she'll burst your bubble quickly. It's best to be realistic about what you can do for her.

In order to keep the Venus in Capricorn woman feeling happy and loved, you must be serious about her. Take all the steps necessary in a courtship. Take her out on a couple of dinners. Spend time with her. Get to know her life and family. Be someone she can depend on.

Nothing makes her happier than tokens of commitment. If you can't afford a ring right now, or if she's not ready for marriage, do something to show her how much you want her and care about her. You have to make her feel secure.

Sexually, these women are raw and straightforward. They like the experience to be simple and earthy. They have boundaries and rules, but they don't mind a few kinks here and there. They like role-playing a lot.

They may like their legs rubbed, kissed, or caressed. They like skin-to-skin action in general.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of limitations and boundaries. 

Best Colors

Dark Brown

Dark Gray


Dark Purple


Dark Red



Dark Green

Fashion Style~Classy fashion style

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