Venus in Libra

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Feminine Identity: Venus enters her second home when she comes in contact with Libra, the air and cardinal sign. This means these women have a strong feminine identity, one that most women can't help but admire and relate to. Libra is the sign of relationships. It's easy for people to relate to them and therefore easy for them to form relationships with people. They are very charming. This is because they are polite, well-mannered, and considerate.

Venus in Libra women tend to want their love interests to see them as cool, sweet, intelligent, cultured, attractive, and charming-beautiful on the inside and out, mind, body, and spirit.

They want their love interests to see them as equal to them.

In order to appear calm and sophisticated, they might wear cool and soft colors like blue or pink. They tend to like clothes that bring out their best assets. This depends on their body shape, personality, and other natural assets. They know how to make their clothes work for them. They aren't usually provocative though. They might showing some skin, but they are typically sophisticated, casual, and/or cool when dressing up. They never over-do it. They just dress up their usual.

They might want to emphasize their butt in some way, though. They might wear jeans, skirts, or shorts that give them a nice rump.

They don't usually need to wear anything special. All they need is their charm.

Venus in Libra women attract love interests to them with their natural charms. Their ruler, Venus, gives them a natural sweet and cool temperament. Most people feel at ease in their presence. They generally try to be pleasant, polite, and open-minded when dealing with others, which makes them endearing. They use this charm to attract their love interest.

They try not to get impatient or frustrated with others, but they especially do not like to lose their temper in front of their crush. They want their love interest to mostly see them in a collected state.

They usually hate being alone, so they try to make friends with people. They are good at finding what they have in common with others. This makes them pretty popular and makes them gain others' love quite easily. They especially try to find common ground with their love interest.

They are flirty, but they aren't vulgar with it. They will acknowledge when someone looks good or when they like the way someone smells, but they will try not to be rude or step over any boundaries. Many people appreciate this about them.

They go out of their way to show their love for the person they're interested in. They aren't forceful, but they do tend to lavish affection, gifts, and other tokens of their love.

They try to fall in step with their love interest. They will attend events where their love interest is present.

The Venus in Libra woman's weakness is that they are flirty with everyone. Sometimes, it's hard to know who they are really interested in. They treat everyone equally. They act too cool to act desperate, but some people are left wondering about their feelings.

Venus in Libra women are also indecisive. Even when they have someone they like, they are always wondering whether they're making the right choice. And if they have two really good suitors, they might date them both just to see if they can find the right one! They also don't like to hurt people's feelings, so they might give others a chance even if they know who they like.

Some of them want to be in a relationship so bad or they fear being alone so much, they settle with the first person that asks them out. They may not be sure if they like the person, but they just like the attention they're getting from this person.

They might let their relationship define them. They might lose their own identity when with their partner. Sometimes, they end up sharing too much with their partner. If the relationship doesn't work out, they end up losing half of the things they worked hard for. They often have a difficult time separating themselves from their partner in many ways. They should find some things they can keep for themselves and learn that it's okay to do so.

Some Venus in Libra lack confidence. They may not feel they have what it takes to fight for the one they love. But the opposite is true! They have so much going for themselves! They just need to believe in themselves.

Venus in Libra women should avoid being superficial and judgmental. Though they're generally pleasant around most people, deep within they tend to judge people based on their lifestyle, appearance, behavior, or mannerisms. If they let go of some of these judgments, they might be able to pick the right person for them.

In order for these women to feel happy and loved, they need to be treated as an equal. If they do something for someone, they need it returned. They don't like double standards.

They want to feel wanted, loved, and cared for. They want someone to romance them. They want someone that buys them luxuries, takes them on dates, and tells them they are loved.

They want a partner they can do anything with. Do couple things with them. Make them feel special. Own them and acknowledge them in public.

Sexually, they just like the art of love-making and being with a partner. They love a little foreplay and romance before the act. They generally want to be pleased and they're willing to please their partner. They may not be avant-garde in their approach, but they still have an adventurous and playful side. They can enjoy any sexual style as long as it's not too painful or disgusting. They don't like to get too dirty.

They might like to be held by their waist or they may enjoy their buttocks squeezed, held, or carressed during the act.

Libra is ruled by Venus. Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, gives them all the charm and beauty they need. They just have to be careful not to get too dependent on the ease Venus offers.

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Pale Green






Fashion Style~Elegant and graceful fashion style

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