Venus in Pisces

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Venus in Pisces
Venus Conjunct Neptune
Venus Opposite Neptune
Venus Square Neptune

Female Identity: Venus enters Neptune's and Jupiter's sign, her exalted position, Pisces last. Here, she is at her best. She sheds her physical skin for something more spiritual (or rather translucent). Here, love is boundless (they tend to see friendship, family, and romantic love as equal forms of love and they have no qualms with homosexuality and asexuality, seeing both as acceptable as heterosexuality). Beauty is limitless. Friendship is forever. Anything else you can think of that transcends the boundaries of our usual thinking relates to Neptune and the sign of Pisces. Venus can get a lot accomplished in the realm of dreams. Of course, she's more at home with physical pleasures usually. Here, she's reaching places she's never reached before, but not without sacrifice. With Pisces being ruled by Jupiter, the other benefic planet, Venus sees that nothing but good can come from this sign. There is a strong moral and idealistic lean coming from planet Jupiter which makes love seem far more beautiful than it ever does in her own home. Of course, Jupiter is the planet of exaggeration...

Venus in Pisces women want their love interests to see them as sweet, feminine, easy-going, understanding, attractive, and as a soul mate. They want to be their love interest's ideal girl. They want to make life easier for their love interests. They are willing to sacrifice a lot to make sure their love interests are happy.

They want their love interests to always see the good in them, to always be happy with them, to always accept them. They want to always be considered beautiful on the inside and out by a lover, no matter what happens or what obstacles come in the way. They even want their flaws to be accepted by a love interest.

In order to make their love interests happy, they might often shape-shift their appearance. They are amazing when it comes to the art of disguise. They are the best actors and queens of shape-shifting. They can recreate themselves into their lovers' ideal. So, their image may change according to who they're interested in.

If they are more confident in themselves, they may go for more feminine and soft colors. They might wear sensual and flowing fabrics. Some of them like to show skin, but many of them are too shy to expose too much. If their love interest really likes it, they will do it. But if they find that their love interest dislikes it, they will cover up more. They are adaptable. They might enjoy trying to figure out which look will work.

They may not care too much about their wardrobe, but their shoes will say everything. They might wear sexy shoes to attract the one they like. They will have pedicures more than likely. That's how you'll know they're serious.

Venus in Pisces women attract love interests to them by being kind and sympathetic. They listen to their love interests. They quite often let the ones they love take the lead and seldom complain. They seem quiet, humble, and feminine, which is highly attractive to suitors.

They allow their love interests a lot of freedom. They don't care if their love interests have a girlfriend or doesn't love them in return. Their love is boundless. They tend to be the hopeless romantic at times and they often accept things from a relationship other women would not.

They are easygoing and content. They don't have physical or material demands. They just want to have a good time and feel connected with their partner. They want to be held and kissed. They want to be told they are loved. That's all they require. Most suitors are drawn to their simplicity.

These women have a soft and gentle allure. They appear delicate, like they need someone to help them and care for them. They also welcome all sorts of people with open arms, so they seem like a good person to go to for anything. They are willing to help and care for their love interests in return and they are seldom judgmental.

Venus in Pisces women are too shy to outwardly ask someone out. They might flirt shyly or they may be a little playful with someone they like. But actually confessing their feelings might be a little challenging. They might hope their love interest notices them.

The Venus in Pisces woman's weakness is that she's just not sure what she wants. She wants to be loved, but she's often not sure who she really wants. If too many people ask her out at once, she might date them all, not really knowing how to push suitors away and maybe not really wanting to. She may like keeping her options open and having many suitors dote upon her.

She doesn't state what she wants in a relationship either. This is because she doesn't really know what she wants. She often lets her lovers walk all over her. She may be unhappy, but may not say anything. She may not know what to say. Later, she might become like a passive-aggressive or manipulative shark to get what she wants. All she would've needed to do was speak up. But because she's afraid of disappointing her lover and arguing, she may be indirect and secretive.

She might even cheat behind her lover's back.

This woman is also rather sensitive. She hates arguing, as was mentioned. She won't like her flaws being thrown in her face. That's sure to destroy the ideal love she wants. And it's sure to make her want to run for the hills-or into the arms of someone else.

These women are also too idealistic in love. It can be bad for them and their partner. They tend to let in losers that aren't good for them just to have love and that feeling of freedom. They really shy away from commitment because there's too much responsibility and obligation involved. They also don't like having to meet others' expectations. That's partially why they don't state their demands. They don't want people handing them a list of demands so they try not to do it to others.

This idealistic streak can be bad for their partners, too. They might expect their partners to be the perfect lovers, like the ones they read about in books or see on the movie screen. They might idolize their crush even. That can be hard to live up to.

These girls have a difficult time functioning alone. Though they can be independent and like their freedom, they suffer with break-ups more than others. It's hard for them to bounce back. The problem is they tend to give too much of themselves away. They also become too emotionally dependent on their partner to the point they get lost after the relationship is over. They have to maintain some independence.

These ladies can be distant. They know how to distance themselves emotionally. They just don't know how to hurt others' feelings, which they have to do sometimes.

Last, these ladies are too quick to lose themselves in a partner. They are willing to change everything they are. They shouldn't have to do all of that to please anybody. If the people in their lives can't accept them for the beautiful, alluring, and compassionate people they are, they don't need them!

In order to continue feeling loved and happy, these women need to be accepted, loved, and romanced. They want their fantasies to come true. They want to feel like they can escape the pressures of the world when with a love interest. They want to spend alone time with a lover. They want to be hugged and kissed. Show your affection.

Sexually, these ladies are open-minded but a little shy. They need someone to help them test the waters. Once they dive in though, they generally just get consumed by the experience. They have to be careful not to get addicted. They absolutely love sensual pleasures. They love losing their minds, bodies, and spirits for a while. Love-making could be an outlet for them.

They tend to like role-playing, experimenting, and kinks. They might have some fantasies they want fulfilled, but they might be too shy to initiate them. If they have a gentle and pleasing partner, they might be able to share their fantasies or their partner will ask.

Pisces is traditionally ruled by Jupiter and currently ruled by Neptune

Best Colors

Sea Green







Fashion Style~Boho fashion style

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