Venus in Gemini, Venus Conjunct Mercury

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Feminine Identity: Venus enters Gemini third, the sign ruled by Mercury. Here, it's not too far away from who she is, but some things are different. I wouldn't say she feels completely comfortable here, but there are some things that are familiar. Gemini is an air and mutable sign. Venus is considered an air planet. Like Venus, Gemini is social and charming. But Gemini's energy is too scattered for Venus to find a consistent love. Gemini is also too curious about everything that it never stops to settle down. Venus likes to relax sometimes. Gemini is too nervous to relax. Thus, these ladies are charming, but they hop around too much.

Venus in Gemini women want to be seen as fun, young, attractive, charming, and intelligent individuals by their love interests.

They usually wear bright and cheerful colors to give them a youthful and lively appearance. They might tease love interests by showing a little skin here and there. They tend to often show off their shoulders and arms mostly. They make sure their hands look well-manicured. They also pay attention to their lips. They try to appear kissable.

They are generally open to trying all new looks, and may pick a style depending on who they are going out with and depending on the occasion. They should be careful not to pretend to be something they aren't to impress a love interest. Mostly, though, they tend to dress in the latest trends, which gives them a young vibe no matter how old they are. To most people, they always look young, which helps them find love timelessly.

They want love interests to know that they are open-minded and willing to try new things.

They want to appear witty and funny. They love to make their love interests laugh. They love to tease their love interests, too.

They may want love interests to see them as busy socialites with places to go and plenty of suitors waiting. In their own way, they feel this will convince slow suitors to pick up their feet. Really, plenty of suitors are usually waiting for these dynamic women. If you don't scoop them up when you can, you will miss the boat.

Venus in Gemini women attract love interests to them by being talkative and flirty. They have an airy charm. They aren't necessarily stupid though, even if they act ditzy. They generally have a smooth and adaptable way of talking to people, and this draws all kinds of lovers their way. They can change up their whole approach to attract the one they want to them. They also know how to work that body language. They tend to be good with languages of all kinds really.

These women try to stay open to things. They attract people to them by trying new things with their love interests.

They might try to show interest in the person. They typically try to get inside a person's mind and see how they think. They are naturally curious.

Venus in Gemini women's weakness is being scattered. They are so scattered all over the place, they have a difficult time giving the attention and time to their love interests. They are relatively independent and don't really need a partner around them all the time. They tend to have so much going on at once, they are hard to pin down. It's hard for them to be a domestic homebody.

They keep their options open, too. Some potential suitors may get frustrated with this. They tend to go on dates with two different guys at the same time until they decide which one they want. Everyone might not be okay with this. They don't mean to play with people's hearts, but sometimes they come across that way.

They're also friendly with everyone. They tend to have a lot of people surrounding them from both sexes. This might make some people insecure. And they're not going to let go of their friends just because it makes some suitor uncomfortable (especially if they haven't decided if they really like the person yet).

They can be rather shallow. They tend to only care about things superficially and may not offer any depth. They might not be interested in anything too deep, intimate, personal, and meaningful either. They just want to laugh and have a good time. They don't like when people act coy, "woke", or dull.

They can be two-faced, too. They may let their friends influence them too much. They might be turned off from a suitor just because their friends don't like them. Or they might only be interested in a suitor just because all of their friends are interested.

As mentioned before, they might pretend to be someone they aren't just get with a love interest. Some of them might be a little fake.

They generally talk a lot, too. If you want to keep some aspects of your relationship private, it's nearly impossible with this woman. She slips up all the time.

In order to keep the Venus in Gemini happy and feeling loved, you have to keep things interesting. She doesn't want to be bored.

Not only do you have to mentally engage and entertain her, you have to communicate. She needs to be able to talk to her love interests at all times, no matter where you are or who you're with. She needs to hear that she's loved. Constantly make her feel attractive by complimenting her when she changes her looks up. Pay attention when she speaks and at least show some interest in what she's saying.

You need to do some fun things with her. Invite her places. Show her off to all of your friends.

If you don't cheat and lie, she won't either. But if she catches you, best believe she will find someone much easier than you did.

Sexually, these women want to have a good time. They want someone who makes the experience fun for them. They are open to trying new things as long as it's not too weird (and even if it is, just don't film it).

They find pleasure with words. Pillow talk might be a favorite. They might also enjoy some tempting text messages or little romantic notes. Be clever and creative if you want them knocking down your door.

They need someone that can get them out of their heads and into their bodies. They might be so focused on talking, they may not actually get down to the act. They might be thinking so much about what they want to do, they may not actually do it. A nice massage might be just the thing to release that nervous energy and tension.

These women like their shoulders and arms touched or kissed. They may like being kissed in general. They might enjoy holding hands during the act as well. They might like their hands kissed. They may enjoy playful touching. 

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and movement.

Best Colors


Bright Green

Burnt Orange



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