Venus in Leo, Venus Conjunct Sun

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Feminine Identity: Venus enters the sign ruled by the Sun, Leo. Here, she meets fixed fire. Sun is naturally falling in one of Venus's signs, Libra, so there are going to be some things Venus isn't comfortable with in Leo. Still, there are things that Venus can handle here. For one, Leo is highly romantic. Venus is the planet of love. In Leo, Venus is able to enjoy love to the fullest. Our Venus in Leo ladies are very good at honoring Venus in their own special way. They are just a little more independent and can be self-centered.

Venus in Leo women want to be seen as faithful, generous, sweet, creative, popular, and attractive but also confident and independent.

If Venus in Leo women could have their way, they'd want their love interests to see them as any and everything any man would want! Venus in Leo women are all about putting their best out there. They want their love interest to see nothing but the best in them. They want their love interest to see their strengths.

Generally, when these women are around their love interests, they try not to show their sadness or anger. They want their love interests to see them smiling and having fun at all times.

They want to appear confident and independent. They don't want to appear clingy. They want to show a love interest that they have a lot to offer. They want to show their accomplishments and what they could share with a love interest if they were to merge. They want to be considered "rare" and valuable.

When trying to attract their love interests, they might choose colors that help them stand out. They usually go for sunny or sunrise colors like red, orange, yellow, and gold. They might like soft pinks and purple as well. They may like to show or highlight their back and shoulder, which would make them seem confident. They might show a little bit of their chest as well. They do like to show some skin, but they have too much dignity to come out of the house looking tasteless and classless.

They try to attract their love interest to them by looking their best when they're around them, by wearing confidence, by flirting, and by giving everything they've got.

They are very generous. They give of time, resources, energy, and effort when they like someone. They want their love interest to feel special. They can get really creative when it comes to trying to impress their love interest. They want to be unforgettable. They want their love interest to feel like royalty.

They generally like to make their love interest laugh. They try to be a ray of sunshine in their love interest's life.

Venus in Leo's weakness is that they have very high standards for love. They treat their lovers like royalty, but they also expect to be treated like queens. They usually want their way in a relationship. They want the relationship to go the way they want it to. They expect their partners to be romantic, chivalrous, sexy, attractive, confident, and accomplished-just as they feel they are. You have to get on their level in life.

They're also popular and they know it! They can get any suitor they want to. Though they generally are faithful, they aren't against flirting a little and dancing a little with someone else if they feel their partner isn't giving them enough attention.

And they require a lot of attention. If they get a flat tire, you'd better be there to pick them up. If they are having a bad day, you'd better listen. If they're bored, you'd better entertain them. They aren't giving anything up for anyone who isn't willing to jump and leap for them.

They get jealous rather easily as well. Don't you dare even acknowledge that another woman is attractive. Though they love to be flattered and may innocently flirt with others, they can't handle it when their partners do the same thing. They may only accept their partner stepping out if both parties agree to have more than one partner. This means Venus in Leo women will explore, too. It's only fair.

They can be a little bossy and dominant. They are often more sure of themselves than some of their love interests, so they end up doing all the planning and telling their lovers what to do.

In order to feel loved and happy, these women have to feel like queens. They need their partners acting as both kings and servants. They need someone to take care of them, someone who is always there for them, someone who is always into them. They need attention and affection. Their partner should always notice when they style themselves up or when they need help. They need a partner that is creative and romantic. They need someone adventurous and fun. They need to be living their fullest life with a lover.

Though they want a servant, they also need a king. They need a partner that is proud of them and stands by them. They need a partner that takes the lead in most affairs and takes the reins from this women every once in a while. They want a partner that is confident and content.

Sexually, these women want to feel wanted. They want their partners to work to please them. They also want to have fun. They can be adventurous and a bit of an exhibitionist. Sex is usually a love-making experience for them. They would want all of their sex partners to be in love with them. They won't tolerate their partner having too many other sex partners.

They might enjoy their backs being caressed and their chests being played with or kissed.

Leo is ruled by the Sun

Best Colors







Rose Pink


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