Venus in Sagittarius

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Venus in Sagittarius
Venus Conjunct Jupiter
Venus Opposite Jupiter
Venus Square Jupiter

Feminine Identity: When Venus enters Sagittarius, the mutable fire sign, she enters a lucky placement. She doesn't feel entirely comfortable in Sagittarius, but there are a few things she has in common with the sign. For one, Venus is a benefic planet just like Sagittarius's ruling planet Jupiter. This makes both energies positive and beneficial all the time. Neither can ever bring too much harm. Of course, too much of a good thing can cause some problems. Venus likes that Sagittarius provides a life of ease. They both want to have a good time. With all the luck she gets in this placement, why work? On the other hand, this combination can cause laziness and weight gain. Venus is also different from Sagittarius in many ways. She may not like the exaggerated nature of Sagittarius because it causes too much drama. She might also find Sagittarius to be blunt, fiery, and unrefined. She's into balance and harmony. Sagittarius isn't always interested in pretending they're everybody's friend. Last, while it's easy for her to attract love in this sign, it's hard to keep it consistent.

Venus in Sagittarius women want their love interests to see them as fun, good-humored, adventurous, positive, knowledgeable, and experienced individuals. They want their love interests to know they won't tie them down.

They tend to want to be the ideal girl in their love interest's eyes. They want to be sexy, cute, beautiful, sweet, quiet, talkative, independent and yet co-dependent, a friend, a good wife, a good mother and everything in between! While achieving all of this is difficult, if it's not impossible, they will try it!

Some of them are religious, spiritual, and/or philosophical. They want their love interests to know they have morals and ethics. They generally try to be good to people, especially the one they love. This might tame the wild spirit of Sagittarius just a little more.

They can be generous with their love interests, showering affection and an abundance of resources to impress their love interests.

They also try to impress their love interests with their accomplishments. They want their love interests to know that if they get with them, they can share in their wealth.

These women might wear clothing that displays their success and wealth in some way. They might like wearing designer items when around someone they like. Or they might prefer casual clothes that are loose-fighting, like a loose-fighting dress that blows in the breeze or some dusty jeans. They might care less how they look in front of their love interest. Some might like to show some skin. They may especially like to show their legs. Short skirts and shorts might be preferred. Some of them tend to like colorful or eclectic fashions that display their humor and individuality. These ladies look good with or without weight, so they can gain or lose and still manage to look good!

Venus in Sagittarius women attract love interests to them through their sheer zest for life. They just appear like a lot of fun. They have a careless nature that makes them seem easy to be around. They always seem young, no matter how old, so they never lose suitors.

They are not usually shy. They are flirty and honest. They compliment their love interests and might invite them to dance. You'd better take them up on that offer when you can. These ladies tend to move on fast!

The ones that are shy can't help but show their excitement all over their face. They are known for being a little too enthusiastic when their crush is around, so they're pretty obvious.

A lot of suitors are attracted to them because they don't seem demanding. They seem to keep lovers at arms-length and they seem up for a good time. They seem down for an open relationship. Even if they are looking for something stable, they seem to know how to keep things exciting and sexy even in committed relationships.

They know how to make people laugh. They always know how to make love interests smile, which is very appealing. And they tend to have dazzling smiles themselves.

The Venus in Sagittarius woman's weakness is that she's difficult to pin down. She might think you're cute and all, but that doesn't mean she's always looking for anything serious. Even sex is not enough to make her stay in a steady relationship. You've got to offer so much more than that. Even when in a steady relationship, she's also always busy doing something. She's outgoing and on-the-go. If you're looking to make her into a domestic kitten, you'll be disappointed. For her, "absence makes the heart grow fonder". She needs her space, independence, and freedom.

As easy-going as she looks, she's far more difficult to please than she appears. It's not that she can't get all she wants herself, in fact she'd rather, but if you really want her to stay loyal and connected to you, you have to be an asset. You need to make a committed relationship beneficial and worth her while. You need to be dropping money. You need to be making love to her. You need to be going out of your way to take her on some of your adventures. And most importantly, you need to respect and accept her right to be herself.

It might seem that she expects perfection from a lover. She is idealistic and does want to be put on a pedestal. She wants to be treated like a trophy girl. You need to be proud of her and show her off. You need to show her how much you want her. That means you've got to travel the world over to please her.

She can be a little insensitive. She tends to be blunt to a fault and may seriously hurt a person's feelings. She might jump into affairs and quickly cut them off, not caring who she hurts. She might dump people for lacking in some way, and she won't be afraid to say it. Venus certainly doesn't get along with this unrefined nature, so she might lose love interests because of her mouth.

Some of these women are careless in general. They might drink and drive, they might sleep around and have too many children, or they might go out clubbing all night, no matter who's at home watching the kids. Of course, the whole natal chart would shed more light on this tendency. This happens with the less evolved types. This type might have a difficult time taking responsibility.

She has a hard time taking responsibility during arguments, too. If you come to her about something, about anything, her first reaction is to run, run, run. She doesn't like negativity. She doesn't want to talk about her feelings and how serious she needs to be. She wants to think about nothing but positive things when with someone she loves. She feels if a lover can't make her happy all the time, then that person isn't the one for her. This is a nearly impossible standard though.

She might be preachy or take the moral high road. She won't act like a victim, but she may always think she's right and everyone else is wrong, including her lover.

In order to keep this lady feeling happy and loved, she needs someone who makes her life better. She wants a partner that makes her feel more attractive, happier, and more confident. She wants someone who is positive, someone who is generous, and someone who accepts her. She needs to feel like a trophy in the eyes of her partner.

Sexually, these women are open-minded and adventurous. They enjoy the experience best when it's fun. They like to try new things, but they don't like when foreplay is too complicated. They don't like to take too much time on foreplay. They eventually need the action.

They may like their legs held, kissed, or caressed during the act.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter

Best Colors

Light Purple

Dark Purple

Dark Blue



Dark Brown



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