Venus Signs

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Venus in Aries
Venus Conjunct Mars
Venus Opposite Mars
Venus Square Mars

Feminine Identity: Venus first enters Mars's domain, Aries, the sign of her detriment. Aries is a fire sign and cardinal. Venus and Mars are two of the relationship planets, but they are polar opposites. Mars has always been the planet associated with masculinity. Venus is the feminine principle. Mars is the planet of war; Venus is the planet of peace. Mars is active; Venus is passive. While being in the sign of Aries can be a little scary for her, it's always exciting! Thus, when Venus is in Aries, these women don't often mind doing things that are considered...well, unladylike! For them, men are not the only ones from Mars!

Some Venus in Aries women want to be seen as fun and sexy individuals. They want their love interest to feel an irresistible pull towards them. They want to stand out as the hottest female in every group. They might wear bold and bright colors to stand out. Red may be preferred. Their other preference might be the edgy color black. They might make sure they have their hair done or their faces made up so their love interest can see how pretty they look from first glance. They might show some skin so their love interest notices their assets right away. Most importantly, they wear confidence. They generally try to be the first one on the dance floor, just so their love interest notices them. They might also dance in a sexy way so their love interest wants them.

Other Venus in Aries women may want their love interests to see them as brave, confident, and independent. They might play hard to get or present some sort of challenge for a suitor. They might be daring flirts or they tease their love interests. They might show off their accomplishments. Some of them might take on challenges or dares to impress their love interests. They should be careful not to do something too reckless just to impress someone.

They might want their love interests to see them as passionate. They want their love interests to see that they will do anything for them, anything to win their affections. They will do whatever you ask if they really want you.

They attract people to them by taking initiative. They don't really "attract" people so much as they "approach". They really come on to a person they want. When they try to attract someone to them, they do it obviously. They aren't false charmers. Most people know exactly who and what they want. They don't play games. If you don't know that they want you, you are pretending you don't know. They make sure they are visible around their love interest. They often can't contain their excitement. When they like someone, they wear a smile around that person all the time. As a sign that rules the head and face, their love is written on their face. Plain as day.

They come on so strong because they want to make their love interests feel wanted and desired. They hope this will win their love interest over.

These women are not too shy to ask someone out. Most women expect the man to do it. These women don't have time for those outdated rules! They know who they want and they go for it!

But if you're the one asking them out, some of them won't make it easy for you. Depending on their Mars sign, some will test you to see if you can handle them or to see how far you're willing to go to prove yourself. Some of them are far too independent to be tied down and must really be convinced that the person trying to ask them out is the one.

The Venus in Aries woman's weakness is selfishness. They often expect to be catered to, to be given all the time and attention, and to be doted upon or considered in every occasion, especially in a committed relationship or if they were asked out (rather than asked someone out, as they tend to do). They get impatient with people who don't do what they want them to do. But they have a hard time meeting others' expectations or accommodating to other people. They expect to just be accepted for who they are in every way and they don't often believe it's their role to have to do anything for someone else (unless they get something out of it). Some of them may be too demanding or aggressive for some people.

Despite the fact that many Venus in Aries women would rather approach a love interest, some of them may expect their love interest to notice them and take initiative. They may get impatient when the person doesn't notice them quick enough! This could cause them to be frustrated and they may take it out on the person. They are famous for their temper. It would be better for them to just let their real feelings out.

Unfortunately, they can't handle rejection. It might stab their ego for awhile. They often go through this because, unlike other women, they actually go after who they want instead of waiting until the guy notices them. But when you do the approaching, you have to face the rejections. Venus in Aries may face this dilemma all the time. They may avoid approaching to avoid rejection, but may be too impatient to wait for a response to their love. It complicates things for them.

They can be a bit aggressive and unrefined. They aren't always ladylike. They aren't into tradition. Even if they have some ladylike traits, they are free-spirited by nature. They may be accused of wearing the pants in their relationships.

They're also rather bored easily. Most of them may expect their love interest to spice things up or keep it exciting. Others might openly flirt with other people. Some of them may grow tired of a settled relationship and may find themselves crushing on someone new.

In order to feel loved and happy, they need someone in their lives who keeps the romance going. They need someone who's just as enthusiastic about the relationship as they are. They would expect their lovers to keep them on their toes constantly. Try new things, be bold, create a challenge for them, and they're all yours.

But they don't need their lovers clinging on to them. They need their independence. They need to be able to do their own thing sometimes. They often need the absence so they can desire their love interest or so their love can grow fonder. They need a partner that accepts that part of themselves. Their partner needs to have their own thing, too. They don't like being controlled or monitored.

However, when you two do get back together, they want the relationship to be just as exciting and romantic as it was when you first met.

Sexually, these women often want the experience to be fun, passionate, and a little rough. They want to try new things, but they often don't want to waste too much time getting into the act. They like it wild. They can do the act anywhere, but may get really excited if they're in a dangerous location.

They may enjoy their heads carrassed. They may also like their hair pulled or tugged at. They love to kiss during the act.

Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of war, action, sex. These ladies' Mars sign will shed more light. 

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