Venus in Aquarius

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Venus in Aquarius
Venus Conjunct Uranus
Venus Opposite Uranus
Venus Square Uranus

Female Identity: Venus enters the erratic and changeable Aquarius, ruled by changeable Uranus and limiting Saturn. Aquarius is a fixed air sign. In this sign, there are some things that are similar to her nature. She's an air planet; Aquarius is an air sign. Venus is about close social encounters; Aquarius is the sign of friendships and associations. Both Venus and Aquarius are about fairness and justice. But they have some differences. Venus is partner-oriented while Aquarius is independent. Venus is all about physical pleasures and gratification. Aquarius can live without the material and physical world. Venus likes when things are a little more predictable and pleasant. Aquarius sweeps in with its changes regardless of who's ready for them.

Venus in Aquarius women want to be seen as unique, independent, cool, and intelligent individuals. They would want their love interests to see them as a best friend, as someone easy-going and easy to talk to.

These ladies don't like to be boxed in, so they generally just want their love interests to see their fun sides. They want their love interest to know they are open-minded and quirky. They are someone who doesn't mind being a little dorky and cute at times, sassy and sexy other times.

When around their love interest, what they wear all depends on their mood and what they like at the moment. Some of them tend to wear the newest trends. Others might have their own original style. They might enjoy bold and/or cool colors like electric blue, aqua, or turquoise. They might go for some neon, too. They might like to show a little skin sometimes, and other times they might not. They might generally like to show their legs or ankles. They might like sandals or ankle bracelets. Whatever they wear, they want their love interest to see them as someone who isn't like any other girl they'll ever meet.

Venus in Aquarius women attract love interests to themselves by being friendly, cute, a little flirty, and honest. They aren't overt flirts because they don't like being desperate, but they may give hugs and cute little love notes. They might even be a little spontaneous in their approach. They like to shock their love interests.

Love interests are attracted to them because they seem to be a little rebellious. They also seem really sweet and friendly.

People are really drawn to their intelligence. They care about world affairs and have their own independent thoughts and opinions on current events. They can be a lot of airy fun, but they are brilliant thinkers.

They make great conversationalists overall. They get close to their love interest by first conversing and becoming a good friend.

These ladies are experimental. This can be really attractive. They are unafraid to try the odd, eccentric, or unusual. They draw in quite a bit of suitors as a result.

The Venus in Aquarius woman's weakness is that she's impersonal and super independent. She doesn't like being defined by her relationship and won't let a partner hang on to her. She needs space. She needs her own thing. She won't share everything with a partner and doesn't need to know everything about her partner. This might make the partner feel as if they're not in a real relationship but an actual friendship.

Venus in Aquarius women never want to feel owned by a partner, no matter who they're dating. Some of them may not even want to be introduced as someone's girlfriend and would rather introduce themselves as an individual. Some of them might think it's perfectly fine for them to kiss someone just for fun, swing partners, or have sex outside of the relationship as long as they officially stay with their partner. Few do this, but if there are harsh aspects and the person isn't evolved, it's possible. Even if these women never step out of a relationship (because most of them are loyal, being a fixed sign and all), they don't like feeling owned or possessed. That jealousy thing is not cute to them, either.

Venus in Aquarius women can be unusual. Some of them are just quirky, but others can be real oddballs. They might have radical viewpoints. They might be involved in some suspicious things. They might do eccentric or erratic things or have weird hobbies and interests. If they can find someone with the same interests in common, this may not be a problem.

You can always count on them to be non-traditional. If you're expecting them to be a quiet little lady cooking in the kitchen, you've got another thing coming.

Speaking of radical viewpoints, they can be fierce about their beliefs. They might act like know-it-alls or they may act above certain petty behaviors. As open-minded as they usually are, there are some behaviors and personalities they just don't like. And when they don't like it, they look down on it.

In order to make them feel happy and loved, you simply have to accept them as they are. They don't require too much. They enjoy sweet little gestures here and there, some spontaneous surprise dates, and kisses and hugs at times. But mostly, they need someone who will treat them like a good friend. They get scared when relationships get too serious or emotionally messy. Just keep it cool and calm for them. Be open-minded.

Sexually, these ladies can take pleasure in being a little experimental. They like to try new things and step outside of the box. They might identify with many different sexualities, so sex might be an interesting experience for both partners.

On the other hand, some of them might be completely asexual and may care to have a mental connection rather than a physical one. They may be above petty physical desires and may not like being in overly sexed love affairs. These are the types that don't like being objectified too tough.

They do get so caught in the mind that they have a difficult time coming back down to the body. They have to be tempted to want to experience it at all.

When you do bring them down to earth, they like their legs and ankles kissed and caressed during the act.

Aquarius is traditionally ruled by Saturn and currently ruled by Uranus

Best Colors

Electric Blue






Neon Pink


Fashion Style~Hipster fashion style

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