Venus in Cancer, Venus Conjunct Moon

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Feminine Identity: Venus enters the sign of Cancer, the area belonging to the greater feminine luminary, the Moon. Cancer is a cardinal sign and a water sign. There are some things Venus is comfortable with while being in Cancer, and some things she's not. Like the Moon, Venus is a planet that represents femininity. But unlike the Moon, Venus is far more social and superficial. She's more about pleasure, romantic love, and beauty. The Moon focuses on the emotions and commitment, which can be the good, bad, or ugly. Moon reflects overall womanhood and motherhood. Venus would rather think about life in love...rather than the responsibilities of a family and emotional commitments. She's the young, beautiful, untouched woman. Still, at least here she can find lasting partnerships and romance.

Venus in Cancer women want to be seen as sweet, feminine, and maternal by their love interests. They might wear sweet and feminine colors like pastels or white. They might enjoy some glitter or silver, too. But if they want to get a little dangerous, they go for eye-popping red. To show that they are capable of being nurturing mothers, they might accentuate their chest a little.

Usually, they aren't gaudy or too provocative. They want to appear like good wives. They often think about how their attire will influence their future children, too. They want to be good role models.

They don't really care about the design of their clothes. Most of them might be fine with just a simple top and jeans. They may like loose-fitting dresses. Still, they are artistic, so they may be drawn to certain colors and designs.

However they look on the outside, it's underneath that they care about. When going out with a love interest, they make sure to choose the finest underwear and sleep attire. Lingerie makes them feel sexy.

Venus in Cancer women attract love interests to them by being a caring, understanding, and thoughtful person in their love interest's life. They are the ones who are there whenever they're asked to be, buy thoughtful gifts, and lend a shoulder to cry on. They always try to be understanding.

They try to remember birthdays, the names of their love interest's family members, and other important information about that person.

They also try to appear like good wives and mothers. They might cook and clean for a love interest. They might show interest in babies or children. They might care for animals. They will always think about their love interest's family. They usually get close with their love interest's mother. They work hard to win the family's approval.

They might also want potential love interests to see how practical and smart they are. These women are capable of providing for their families because they are business-savvy, know how to nurture a business, and know where to find money. They are creative as well. They may want to be admired for these qualities.

One of Venus in Cancer women's weakness is that they expect others to intuit their feelings. It's hard for them to just go after whatever it is they want, so they tend to leave indirect clues that they expect love interests to pick up on. If their love interest doesn't get the hint, they get upset. They might expect others to be as intuitive as they are.

Venus in Cancer women are also rather shy. This can be an endearing quality in some ways, but it can be a limiting quality in other ways. Because they shy away from certain things, they aren't the most experimental and adventurous lovers. They stick with what's familiar to them when it comes to love.

These women can be unrealistic and impressionable when it comes to what they expect out of love. They might be extremely romantic or they may be influenced by movies and romance novels to be this way. They might expect partners to wait beneath their balcony windows and whisk them away on midnight excursions. They might be disappointed by lovers who lack imagination.

Venus in Cancer women can be sensitive and moody. They might get their feelings hurt rather easily, and they aren't against being manipulative to get back at someone.

In order to feel loved and happy, Venus in Cancers need to be pampered and cared for. They need someone to treat them gently and sensitively. They need to feel understood. They also love some imagination and romance from time to time. They need a thoughtful lover that thinks about what they want without having to be told to.

Sexually, these women are all about intimacy and feeling a sense of closeness. Sex feels pleasurable for them when they are in love with their partner. Romantic foreplay would make the experience more memorable. They may not be avante-garde, but they may be open to trying new things if they really love a partner enough. Their feelings influence them.

They may enjoy their chest being played with or kissed. They might like being touched or held by their lower stomach. They mostly like to face their lover so they can feel a connection in that person's eyes.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon. The Moon is the planet of emotions, the past, and nurturing femininity.

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