Venus in Virgo, Venus Conjunct Mercury

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Feminine Identity: Venus enters Mercury's other sign here, only this time it's the mutable earthy Virgo. Here, Venus is in a difficult falling position. Mercury and Venus aren't really opposite planets, but the natural nature of this earth sign makes it difficult for Venus to really blossom the way she would like. This doesn't mean the women with this position aren't feminine. Quite the contrary! Some of these women are quite prim, demure, and docile. They have very soft qualities at times. The real issue Venus has in this position has to deal with Virgo's modesty. Really, Venus and Virgo have some things in common, considering she has triplicity in Virgo. They are both subtle and easy-going (Venus being a planet of pleasure and Virgo being a physical earth sign). They both believe in being fair and have a strong sense of righteousness. But the vanity of Venus is humbled in this sign. Venus is usually a pleasure-seeking, easy-going, mostly lazy goddess. She cares about material comforts as well as her appearance. She is also quite involved with love. Virgo is the sign of hard work. Virgo is practical and rejects idealistic romance. Virgo makes the person less interested in superficial looks and charms and prefers the real girl. This means that the women with this position may look fabulous, but they work hard to get there.

Some Venus in Virgo women want to be pleasing in the eyes of their love interest, no matter what that means. They want to be helpful, useful, attractive, self-sacrificing, sweet, modest, sexy-whatever will please their love interest. They work really hard to be the kind of girl their love interest can fall in love with.

Other Venus in Virgo women generally want to be seen as down-to-earth and smart. They don't want their partners to have super high expectations of them. They would rather be their natural selves.

Many Venus in Virgo women swing between desires.

Some of them tend to want to look perfect when around someone they like. They attend to every aspect of their appearance until they can attract the right love interests to them.

They tend to choose form-flattering attire. They use natural but enhancing makeup. They don't usually go for gaudy or colorful clothing, even if it is a bit revealing. They want most people to consider them stylish. They prefer professional and muted colors.

Other Venus in Virgo women try to be as natural and down-to-earth as possible in their appearance. They try not to put on airs. They just try to look decent and tend to their hygiene. They might want their natural beauty to shine through.

They don't directly try to attract potential suitors to them. They are often too shy to openly flirt and they are apprehensive about love. They are modest and quiet about their feelings.

However, when they really are interested in a person, they will do anything for that person. You will notice their affections in the little things they do. They won't outright tell you they like you. You have to pay attention.

They are the type of people to help their love interest with small errands and household tasks. They are really helpful and useful. They will be there to give advice, too.

They tease the people they like a lot, too. They tend to have a playfulness about them that's endearing.

These people keep themselves together. When they feel unattractive, they work hard to improve themselves. They are constantly blossoming because they are always fixing themselves. They keep their bodies tight, their skin clear, their teeth in check, and their health in order. This makes them physically attractive to people.

One of Venus in Virgo women's weakness could be that they are perfectionists. They are often very hard on themselves. Some of them have all sorts of insecurities, especially when it comes to their appearance. Many women with this placement get plastic surgery, go on diets, and try to fix themselves up in other ways to get that "perfect" look. They know logically what the beauty standards are. Many of them don't believe in the "everyone is beautiful in their own way" philosophy. Really, all of their imperfections are what make them perfect. But it's hard to convince them of this.

The ones that do believe everyone is beautiful in their own way had to work through many insecure moments in their lives to get to that point. This side of Venus in Virgo usually comes out much later in their lives.

They also expect perfection from suitors. They can be picky. The littlest thing can turn them off. If you really want them, you have to fix yourself to their liking. They won't let just any person in their lives.

Venus in Virgo women are also not the most romantic individuals in the world. They are not the most imaginative. They might find some gestures to be corny or cheesy. They aren't easily impressed by the flash or sappy gestures. They prefer someone to be real and down-to-earth in their approach.

In order to feel happy and loved, Venus in Virgo women need someone in their lives that accepts them, flaws and all. They need someone that can stick with them through everything. They want someone that appreciates them and acknowledges their efforts. They want someone who makes an effort to show their devotion as well. You don't have to do it in fancy ways. It's the little things that count. Just pick them up from work, offer to help them fix something, or spend some relaxing time with them. If they are having a bad day, be there to comfort them or provide a listening ear. Make life easier for them so they won't have more stresses and worries. Help them pay some bills.

Sexually, Venus in Virgo women tend to be service-oriented. They perfect their craft until it becomes an art. They want their partners pleased and satisfied in all sexual areas. At the same time, they want a partner that is just as skilled to please them, too, even if they don't always ask for what they want. Though they aren't going to initiate any kinks, some of them can be kinky at times.

Their issue is they have a hard time seeing the big picture. They may get so focused on pleasing a partner, they forget to enjoy it or connect with their partner. They might also have a hard time getting out of their worries and stresses so they can be there mentally for sex. A good massage can cure this. Their partner would have to take some initiative.

They aren't always shy, but if they don't feel their best they won't be aroused too easily. Their partners have to make them feel attractive and secure.

They might enjoy being touched in general while doing the act, but holding their waist might arouse them more.

Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and movement. 

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