Day 3

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Disclaimer: Content Piracy is an illegal act and is punishable by law. Finally, these are all based on my experiences and I would love to share them with all of you in hopes that these could also help you win in life with me in this accountability journey of a lifetime ;) Let's win together. God bless :)

[D C-I] Daily Check-in:

D3 = 6-1-23; Thurs.

[M] Mission: Work-Break Balance & Ethics

[T1] Task 1 = ❌

Goal: 10 pm-4:58 am (7h approx.)

Today's Result: 12:33 pm-8:02 am (7h 29m)

[T2] Task 2 = ✅

Morning Routine & Chores

[T3] Task 3 = ✅

Morning Specific Work-Break

[T4] Task 4 = ✅

Afternoon Specific Work-Break

[T5] Task 5 = ✅

Evening Routine & Chores

[OR] Overall D3/62 Result = ✅

[KT] Key takeaways:

"Work", as I've been depicting on all of these days already, is the act of doing the very task/s we avoid doing out of distraction and/or destruction but we should do it at all. On top of all that, I'm also working from home right during school break. Moreover, as you've probably noticed by now, I'm still not doing quite well with my sleep schedule yet. My body clock is by far the hardest to adjust but slow progress is still progress, so whatever you've been failing with for these three days now with me, hey, let's celebrate our small wins still because we've been doing well with other areas! And most of all, the very moment you embarked on this mission of changing your life for the better is the greatest progress you should be grateful for yourself for! By the grace of God, He has given us the strength to face this challenge against our weaknesses, the wisdom to realize the need to change for the better, and the surrendering of ourselves to Him that we want to reach the best that we can for His greater glory and for our greater good. There are more days to go God willing. It's not gonna be easier but we can make it my brothers and sisters in Christ!

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