Day 6

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Disclaimer: Content Piracy is an illegal act and is punishable by law. Finally, these are all based on my experiences and I would love to share them with all of you in hopes that these could also help you win in life with me in this accountability journey of a lifetime ;) Let's win together. God bless :)

[D C-I] Daily Check-in:

D6 = 6-4-23

[M] Mission: Work-Break Balance & Ethics

[T1] Task 1 = ❌

Goal: 10 pm-4:58 am (7h approx.)

Today's Result: 2:16-8:54 (6h 38m)

[T2] Task 2 = ✅

Morning Routine & Chores

[T3] Task 3 = ❌

Morning Specific Work-Break

[T4] Task 4 = ❌

Afternoon Specific Work-Break

[T5] Task 5 = ✅

Evening Routine & Chores

[OR] Overall D6/62 Result = ❌

[KT] Key takeaways:

I've had a relapse these past few days. The main reason behind I suppose is the travels lately. I believe this is ok as long as there is an awareness that I'm not following my schedule properly again so that I can channel myself to enter recovery right away. Lifetime is a balance of work & break, not just in a daily scope, but also on a weekly basis, etc.

There is another factor that I must admit, I wasn't praying first thing in the morning while I was traveling; I still pray but I put it later in the day; as if out of compliance. God should be the one I must put first thing in the morning before anyone and anything else day by day. These blessings must not be the cause to sin. To pray is to not just read the Bible and/or recite words, but a relationship. And what do relationships need? Commitment and communication.

When we love, we stay committed & loyal to our partner, and we communicate with honesty with our significant other. A relationship needs love. God is love (1 Jn 4:8). That's why we cannot just pray whenever we feel like it. In days when we don't want to pray are the days when we need to pray more. The devil speaks of beautiful lies that sound right on the surface but a mere deception deep within. "You're preparing for a big day ahead, it's ok with God if you delay praying for today", "Oh, you must be so tired right now you just had a big day, rest now, pray tomorrow". Remember, we're not promised tomorrow, or even later. Besides, personal prayer doesn't have to be lengthy, and I quote:

In praying, do not babble like the pagans, who think that they will be heard because of their many words.Do not be like them. Your Father knows what you need before you ask him."This is how you are to pray:

Our Father in heaven,hallowed be your name,your kingdom come,your will be done,on earth as in heaven.Give us today our daily bread;and forgive us our debts,as we forgive our debtors;and do not subject us to the final test,but deliver us from the evil one

If you forgive others their transgressions, your heavenly Father will forgive youBut if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your transgressions(Mt. 6:7-15, The Lord's Prayer...)

But to pray with daily readings of the Holy Bible and the like isn't too much either. The point is every day is fluctuating with different activities and uncertainties. Pray with all your heart, give your best, and offer what you can. There will be days when prayer is easy, and there will be days of difficulty. Just like with all other cares we have in our life like work and all other relationships, love. Because to love is to will the good of the other. Love. Love. Love.

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