Day 19

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Content Piracy is an illegal act and is punishable by law. Finally, these are all based on my experiences and I would love to share them with all of you in hopes that these could also help you win in life with me in this accountability journey of a lifetime ;) Let's win together. God bless :)

[D C-I] Daily Check-in:

D14-19 (6) = 6/12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17/23

[M] Mission:

Work-Break Balance & Ethics

[T1] Task 1 = ❌❌❌❌❌❌

Goal: 10 pm-4:58 am (7h approx.)

Results: (June)

12) 2:04-9:14 (7h 10m)

13) 1:20-8:53 (7h 33m)

14) 12:07-8:25 (8h 18m)

15) 7:01-12:24 (5h 23m)

16) 4:00-10:00 (6h 00m)

17) 12:45-9:53 (9h 08m)

[T2] Task 2 = ✅✅✅✅✅✅

Morning Routine & Chores

[T3] Task 3 = ❌❌✅❌❌✅

Morning Specific Work-Break

[T4] Task 4 = ❌❌✅✅❌✅

Afternoon Specific Work-Break

[T5] Task 5 = ✅✅✅✅✅✅

Evening Routine & Chores

[OR] Overall D19/62 Result = ✅

[KT] Key takeaways:

Remember when I shared about me not sleeping early yet due to time zone differences in terms of my communication with them? Praise God, I'm going to try sleeping early again now that they're home and I've learned a lot in the process. I happened to keep my routines, especially taking down my sleep hours, though, the results are not ideal, the ability to keep what we can; to give and do our best as we can... Hey, small wins are worth celebrating, keep it up, guys!

Although, after having delays for this long, I've actually thought of giving this challenge up entirely. But then I realized deeper and deeper as days went by that this is the very point of the challenge; to change for the better! I had this notion that as days go by I should go better and better incrementally. Well, I am, but how? I defined it reversely, that is, "to progress is to be perfect"...

Nobody's perfect (except Jesus). I then fathomed that to progress is to be resilient instead. There will be days that will demand more, and by more, it can mean anything; time, health, struggles, concerns, and the like. The key is to never give up. When we fail, when we relapse, when we fall again and again... as long as we can, by God's grace, let's stand back up again and again too. To win is to not "not lose" but to "not quit" at all. To not quit the faith, not quit hopes, not quit with ourselves the way God fought, not against us, but for us, because for Him, we are worth fighting for. Let's fight our silent battles with Him. God loves you, me, and us :) God bless.

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