Week 6 (D35-41)

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Content Piracy is an illegal act and is punishable by law. Finally, these are all based on my experiences and I would love to share them with all of you in hopes that these could also help you win in life with me in this accountability journey of a lifetime ;) Let's win together. God bless :)

If you are stressed what to do first of all the things to do with tight deadlines and such? Count me in. The point is, this lifetime will have occurrences wherein they do look alike but on a different day, for example, this one. You'll be like, I've been into this similar situation before why am I still having a mental block dealing with this? Well, if you got these moments, congratulations you're a human being like me struggling with life. But in every struggle, there's a grace and opportunity to be humble, meek, and kind like Jesus. Although he's a perfect, true man and a true God, we can be inspired by him. You see, diligence with prayers is effective but that doesn't mean we are failureproof after doing so. Every single time, we pray before starting the day or start the day with prayer, but we have to acknowledge the fact that we will have problems that we thought we have solved before but keeps on coming back. It's not saying it's all useless to solve them if they'll keep coming back, especially the "petty" ones.

Just like sin, we keep on sinning every single time, but let us entrust ourselves to God every single time we fail, we win, we struggle, we conquer, we sin, we solve, whatever the situation because at the end of the day, we are still gonna struggle anyway, but it doesn't end there. Let us fathom what are the things we're struggling with. Oh, they are good stuff, say, exams to prepare for, tasks to accomplish, etc. Then they are worth struggling for. But when we realize we're struggling because we're dealing with bad stuff, we must pray to God for forgiveness and strength to be able to forgive those who made us struggle too, and even our very selves for putting ourselves in these struggles... Friend, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is effective and helpful.

Going back, If we're stressed out with something, and we all the more get stressed out with the fact that we've been in this circumstance before so then why do we still get stressed out with this, let us pray to God and do our best with the work at hand. A specific tip I can share, based on my experience, is that it takes time to actually get in the zone of working. There will be days it will be easier to be in work mode or study mode, or focus mode at large, because there was already a momentum of days working, but there came along days wherein there will be special occasions, or worse, sickness and/or grieving from a death of a loved one/ones (if you are going through these tough times, Condolence my friend, you're not alone, God's with you). Some moments will pull us back to square one, breathe. "Lord, I'm struggling again with this/these *insert struggle/s*, but I trust you and I entrust myself to you; I surrender to your love, please give me the strength to face and finish this, In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen." I had a slight cold this week (Please sleep early not like me right now) I praise God I recovered speedily, eating healthily, and exercising helped. But then again, I'm still stuck with struggling in sleeping early (slight improvements by the way from 12-1 am to 11 pm adjustments most of the days; small win yey), on top of getting sick a few days back, delaying some of my deadlines, and now that's why I'm super stressed out, plus all the other things about life unmentioned. Friend, have courage. Let us hold on to God, and never leave him. He never abandons us, but we can, through our free will. And so let us choose Him always, and do our very best of what we can do and entrust to God all of it, especially of the things we just can't. It will all be worth it in the end. God bless :)

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