Week 8 (D49-55)

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Content Piracy is an illegal act and is punishable by law. Finally, these are all based on my experiences and I would love to share them with all of you in hopes that these could also help you win in life with me in this accountability journey of a lifetime ;) Let's win together. God bless :)

I'm literally on the verge of giving up right now. "Week 7 is good, it has been a wild ride... Good thing I tried, that's it, I guess?" But why will I give up??? Because it's been 8 weeks in but here I am still struggling to sleep in time. I entered this challenge with the goal of getting to love work. I go out with the goal of sleeping on the right schedule. We get to have another problem after solving a problem, and I realized, it's ok! It's how it is actually. The fact that I get to solve one problem before another one is a win already. In this life, we'll go through turmoil after turmoil. Let's redefine that. In this life, we'll go through triumph after triumph, because to be triumphant is to acknowledge that there is turmoil and accept it. Then from there, we work our way to conquer it. Not facing our struggles is not gonna help fix it but can lead to further destruction. Going back, again, I don't have trouble sleeping but I have trouble stopping. I sleep right away but around 11-12; I want to sleep around 10. It's really hard. Just 1 hour away but can compound the next day better by starting earlier. Huge improvement from 1-2 to 11-12. It's time for 10. As I've observed myself when I'm about to sleep, I check my alarm and then subconsciously check my soc. med. a "little" while that can even reach half an hour! And so, I will check my alarm around 9:45 pm, and then no soc. med. checking or any phone time before sleeping at all.A reward system is great. I was a bit hard on myself as you can probably tell from the 3rd episode: Accountability. To not have rewards after but within the task at hand is great and is effective with me when it comes to work. But this time, it's an awakening that it's not how it works when it comes to my sleep. Try out new and fun ways to change for the better, maybe "gamifying" your life would do just that, say for example, to "level up", you got to take the challenge of finishing your homework. Then after that, the "perks and loots" for leveling up is your favorite dessert (I for one am a big fan of fruits and vegetable that really helps me to stay healthy). Just like in life, if you find something new, it's not really a bad thing to change, if it's for the better, with prayers, go for it. We have revisions and revised editions of books, updates of apps, and more, that can emphasize the need to change. But don't confuse change with contentment. Being content with what we have is amazing, and so is changing for the better. Don't get stagnant, grow. Just a few days left but I'll still keep trying. Hope you are too with the things you are struggling with.

You see some people don't do something because of the fear of failure even though an opportunity is right in front of their eyes now and they have been wanting to do it all this time (and maybe also due to certain circumstances involved). As Christians, we are prayer warriors! Earth is a ship, not home, yet. To be specific, it's a battleship, not a cruise ship! And we need to gear up in this war called lifetime, with prayers as our weapon. We can never go to battle without armor, the way we can never live daily without prayers.Satan's strategy simplified: Let sin get normalized and obedience to God odd. Battle WITH God, not against God, not even WITHOUT God, because if we do, we are automatically choosing the evil one instead. There can be no partiality when it comes to this type of thing. Now, how can we combat this?

"Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect." (Romans 12:2)"Therefore it is the paradox of history that each generation is converted by the saint who contradicts it most."-G.K. Chesterton

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