Week 4 (D21-27)

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Content Piracy is an illegal act and is punishable by law. Finally, these are all based on my experiences and I would love to share them with all of you in hopes that these could also help you win in life with me in this accountability journey of a lifetime ;) Let's win together. God bless :)

Good day everyone :) How y'all doin'? I miss you all so much. It's been a week since my last post. Great news! I am growing exponentially with my goal of Work-Break Balance & Ethics, as I've observed myself to want to work more now than before. I used to just want to scroll mindlessly killing hours, now I work for hours while stretching a bit and walking around during my breaks; no gadgets to rest my eyes.

But I got some sort of bad news too... that's just when I'm doing the "do what you love" workloads. In terms of the "love what you do" notion, I need more work with it. How I fight it is by remembering whenever I have to do something I don't want to do (given it's morally right ok, not those evil stuff you know what I'm saying) those things I'm not really into but they are good and a must to achieve and finish, I'm just going to keep in mind that I'm doing these for my loved ones. Look, not all of us are privileged to get a career we want all the way through. For instance, make a living out of a hobby, etc. (no hate to those who got these types of opportunities, just love), some people happen to work to keep their family survive and have enough for today at least, like for the food supply, and all those other things to make the ends meet. In my case, I'm in the middle, giving me mini hindsight to both. We have the "needs" and "some wants", but I've also got obligations to do even though it's my school break. I can't spend it the way I want to entirely, I need to manage my time for work and breaks which could also mean those days for special events and occasions. And so, I always remember my loved ones in those moments. And actually, when it's time to finally get back to doing the things I love, I appreciate them all the more, I've hugged them a long time now if I just could; my gratitude to God abounds all the more.

How about you guys? I hope all of you are doing ok and don't forget to attend the Holy Mass every Sunday (for the Roman Catholics). Oh, by the way, before I forget. If I'm doing better with my work relationship, I have a lot of catching up to do with my sleeping on the other hand. Things are getting out of hand still... But the reasons are already changing. Back then due to procrastination, on the contrary, this time because of work, but it doesn't change the fact that it's still unhealthy at all. Slowly but surely, I'll work my way through it one at a time! We can do this! Last note, like for real, hehe. I'll be updating Account Ability weekly (instead of daily) with a new look! We have the chart with sleep duration now on the attached picture and then a key takeaway/reflection per week, because I've kind of accomplished my goal of attaining a healthy relationship with work, but gonna focus more on keeping an eye on my sleep now. Stay healthy everyone (exercise regularly, sleep adequately, & eat healthily) and God bless always!

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