44 | climbing up the rabbit hole.

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"Put me down!"

After several failed attempts of convincing me to step out of the car, my patience wore thin and I decided to let them all think I'd caved when in fact I didn't, and instead tried to make a run for it.

In a way, it felt like a high speed chase. Except on foot and instead of having the police running after me, it was Sam and Ryan.

Whilst it was fun for a while, I had absolutely zero idea as to where I was going and found myself at a dead end consequently giving both of them time to catch up. I was thrown over Ryan's shoulder immediately and carried back to the car

"Put me down!" I scream louder, kicking my feet and smacking his back repeatedly as I hang upside down. This is not a great position to be in after I've just devoured a burrito big enough for two.

"Scarlett and I will get her things. You go ahead," Sam mentions.

Ignoring my screaming entirely, Ryan walks across the street and into the building.
Too busy putting up a fight, I don't take in any of my surroundings until I've completely worn myself out and come to realise we're waiting for an elevator.
When we step inside, I'm finally adjusted right side up again and instead of my hanging over his shoulder, he's now supporting under my thighs as my chin rests where my hips previously were and my legs wrap around his waist.

"Can I tell you something, Kenz?" He questions in a gentle manner.

"Okay," I respond, voice hoarse from all the screaming.

"When I was a little bit older than you, I went to rehab too."

"You did?"

He nods, "I lost my grandpa in my senior year of high school, and we were incredibly close so it really took a toll on my mental health. I started drinking to help me cope and then I didn't stop. My Dad woke me up one morning and threw me in the car with a suitcase and told me we were going on vacation, but instead he drove me to a rehab centre because whether or not I wanted to believe it, I was an alcoholic."

As I process the new information, I tuck my head and wipe my tear-filled eyes on the shoulder of his sweatshirt.
"Were you scared?" I ask in an almost inaudible whisper.

"Terrified. Although after I settled in and came to know a few of the other patients, it became less scary and I can honestly tell you that it was the best thing for me," he admits, stepping out of the elevator after the doors open.

I nod.
Maybe, as uncomfortable as I am with change, this might be a good thing. If it worked for Ryan, it might just work for me too.

I turn my head around as the elevator doors close behind us so I'm able to see my surroundings and am met with a set of glass windows and doors separating us from what looks like the reception area. Ryan walks us both in and over to the front desk where I accidentally meet the gaze of what looks one of the medical staff members, so quickly, I turn my head back around and bury it in Ryan's shoulder.

"I've just got to sign one more thing, do you want to get down?" He suggests, his voice calm.

I shake my head.

"Alright, hold on tight then because I have to lean forward."

A tired giggle escapes my throat as Ryan bends over, consequently making me tilt backward ever so slightly as he completes his task. When I'm upright again, I notice Scarlett and Sam coming into the room.

"Here you are, sweetheart." Scarlett passes me my plush lamb before placing a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Thank you."

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