Warning and Intro

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Hello its Aurora here!(Yeah, I m the one who would write the most). Okay,before we begin there is something that most be noted. We do not want to offend anyone with the stuff we write, nothing of what you will read should be taken seriously, and is just entretainment. If you dont like the stuff you see here and if you feel offended then leave please, we dont want to offend anyone.

EDIT: We also appreciate if no one copies us or gets too inspired on this, although some of this headcanons can be used freely if asked and credit us.

This is just some headcanons that work as an introduction to future stories, our AU(TLOCH), will be explained in this aswell since that what most of our stories will be based of.

Another thing to point out is that TLOCH is an AU of countryhumans, yes. It also can have some dark themes such as violence. Also history, ships and some existential stuff(not really).

Other than that, we can assure you is a pretty safe AU and dont have insane ships.

Also theres going to be some drawings which are made by Selene(my sister, she is very talented) but some might be made by me and if they are not that good as others is because I draw very diffrently than my sis. I apologize if some are not that well but I m better at writing I guess.(The one above is made by me same with the cover).

Anyways! Thank you for reading this And hope you enjoy it!

Now we shall begin

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Countryhumans Headcanons and Introduction to TLOCH(The Legend Of CountryHumans)Where stories live. Discover now