War and Strategics

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"War is the result of unspoken truth.

Is what happens when no one agrees with each other.

And it causes a great devastation on both people

and country. It's horrible"


(Hi everyone! We were planing to update this a few more times more meanwhile we are preparing evrything for our next story. Thank you for your patience in waiting for further updates).(Do not take this too seriously!)

Now we are moving on to how the war manages out in this TLOCH aswell as we shall explain how the military personifications work here. Take in note that anything of this is not meant to offend anyone in any way. 

First we will explain how countryhumans contribute in wars. A countryhuman DO NOT take the decisions of the goverment, the goverment and a countryhuman are separate things. For example, a countryhuman do not decides if the country will go to a war, the president or leader does. Countries have no vote on that since they are only meant to represent the nation.Thats why some people(in the goverment since they are the only ones who should know about them)adresses them as Representations.  Countries show themselves to only people from the goverment, not to regular citizens. And they also tend to have high ranks in the goverment.

When a country goes to war, only they fight in a battlefield called The BattleLand. This place is a large plane-like place that looks like a war battlefield and only countryhumans fight each other there(No regular human could possibly get there). They also use there unique abilities in the battles aswell against their enemy countries( Including Unleashings). They also fight simultanously at the Human World with the rest of the army(But for them is like they were at The Battleland).

Countries negotiate with their foes only when their governments allowed to, but if not they basically have to fight each other.

Now we have military personifications. Military personifications are divided into Navy, Air and Land Forces. These personifications(Which are alike to Countries ,Cities and States) help and work with the countries in war(along with some of their cities and/or states). 

First we will talk about Navys. Navys look exactly like countryhumans (at first sight) but have unique features such as water bending, walk on water and are able to breath underwater (with fish gills). Basically are amphibian mermaid-like, since in water, they turn into merfolk like creatures(like mermaids).With  Navys are also able to control battle ships( Navys are you the ones who uses them in battle, not the countries). Navys in one arm have ten bracelets and in them there are seven ships which they use if they want or need to. Although loosing all the ships from the ten bracelets could be fatal to a Navy. Also Navys don't tolerate being in land so much and in their merfolk forms they can die in land (Like fish without water).

Navys also attack in battle using their voice as an attraction to their enemies (Like sirens do). That's why some countries see it useful to have their Navys most of the time underwater (Because it doesn't work on land). Using the ten bracelets mentioned before, they are able to lead/control the ships from the bracelets, driving them everywhere they want to.

Navys don't get replaced unlike countries. When a new country representation appears they just serve to the new country. And they don't get transformed into Navys (unlike countries). So they are creations and were not human before.

Now with the Air force. They also look a lot like countries,but just like Nays, Airforces have unique features too that difference them from both Navys and countries. Airforces have wings and can fly to very high into the thermosphere.  They don't really need to rely on oxygen to live since their lungs are very different from humans. They shoot fire bullets with their own hands and control battle planes aswell. Airforces can make huge sound waves with their voice(like a banchee scream). They also have long eagle- like claws that they use to hurt the enemy 's air planes. They are pretty useful also in the sense that they can hear at a farther distance so they can even hear the enemy coming.

Just like Navys, Airforces use bracelets in which they hold their planes, if the planes get hurt them it will deeply(or in a fatal way) affect the Airforces. A very weak point they possess is that their wings can easily get tired so if they are not careful they might fall. This is why enemies like attacking them on their wings, because it weakens them. And just like Navys, Airforces are not human either, they are just created and when a country gets replaced, they serve them too.

Last is the Army. The Army have a representation that serves as a symbol for the Army. The Army is also referred as the Land Force (Because they work on land). Like the previous mentioned, the Army personifications look just like countryhumans, literally have no other difference except for the flag. They have the Army Shield on their face instead of the flag. And they don't have much of unique features unlike the Navys or Airforces. Although the Armies are pretty strong and fast and have the ability of cloning but no more than that. 

Cities and States (aswell as countries) also join the Army in battles. Together they are a whole Army of personification(with them as soliders). The Army can get really hurt if the battle is lost on their side (Aswell as they can feel the human Army too). Both personification Army and human Army fight simultaneously, both in Earth and in The BattleLand.

Countries and Military fight for as long as the war lasts. Until they finally reach peace.

Thank you that's all! I hope you understood the chapter. If it's complicated then ask your questions below. See you on another chapter. The next story may be coming next week by the way. Thank you for reading. Bye!

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