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"We countries have a dangerous secret,

we have many actually,

but most of us don't know even remember."


(This headcanon was something I had in mind a long time ago, it seems its very original since we hadn't seen anyone do something like this so we suppose we invented it).

(The stuff mentioned here is not pleasant, if you dont like it skip it please and dont take it seriously!)

What if countries werent actually born countries? What if they were once truly human?   This concept came from a series that I wacthed with my sister that I dont remember but anyways, I was thinking that if we could put the idea of countries being once actual human in TLOCH, that could change things a lot. 

So it goes like this. Countries are born human, in the reproduction update I mention they could be born either from human or female country, but no matter if they were born from a human or country mother, they still be born as if they were human.

The thing is, this human children are meant to become countries, meaning they have potential to be one. Although, anyone can be a country, city, state in TLOCH, even regular humans, this children that have a country parent(s), have a higher chance of becoming countries in a future more than any regular human.

But to become countries theres a process for it. Like they have a high potential to become countries, they have to literally take their human faces off to then stay with their country faces.(Now that I remember, it is a process alike to the spider family in Demon Slayer). It is a harsh and painful process that requires them to kill theirselves and then revive to take their faces off(yeah pretty dark). 

The same process is for everyone who wants to become a representation technically, its awful and the saddest thing of all is that they won't remember their time as a human. Basically forgetting everything(or atleast most of the things) before the transformation. And depending on what country bloodline you are from you will end either as a country, state and in least cases  as a city(Most regular humans that turn become cities).

However, a that human child that is born from a country family can decide whether to become a country or not(if given the choice of course, most dont even have a choice). If not, they could simply remain human and immortal by just going through the first part of the process but not taking their faces of. Doing that they basically could live forever without becoming representations.

This dosent really count to those who aren't born from a country family, those who are regular humans will most likely need to turn into representations in order to live. The thing is, if those regular humans survive, because they could also die since they have a lower chance than the ones born in a country bloodline. And unlike those born from country bloodlines, they have higher possibilities to end as cities or states rather than countries.

Forgot to mention that the process will most probaly require aswell the help of someone else to help the one who is going to transform. In the case of almost all the countries, they had the help of their parents(who most of them did it harshly).

This is how basically every country has become a country, most of them didnt even had a choice and worst of all, they wont remember anything from their past lives. And thats not the entire truth about countries yet.

They could be hiding something even worse

But that all for today anyways, see you on the next one and hope you understood this one beacause I know its pretty dark for countryhumans. Next one willmost likely come out tommorow. Bye

Countryhumans Headcanons and Introduction to TLOCH(The Legend Of CountryHumans)Where stories live. Discover now