Lumiterra World Academy(Concept Update)

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" An academy for countries

created for the soul purpose of

teaching the young countries

 the values of being a nation."


(Hello again, we have yet another chapter today. Although its more of a explanation of a concept that may be fundamental on the next story propbaly. You don't really need to read it, its just something we wanted to add here). (You might need to see Lumiterra Chapter for this, if you don't remember what it is. Anyways please enjoy the chapter).

(Dont take this too seriously!Its just fiction).

Lumiterra has a lot of schools, but from all those schools adults usually like to send their kids if they can to the prestigious school, Lumiterra World Academy (LWA). This school is also the one where most countries attend since that was its purpose. Yet another thing created by UN, the Headmaster.

The LWA is a school where young countries go to learn the basic stuff of becoming a country. LWA offers a space for humans to go too, just because they are part of the human population in Lumiterra. To enter to LWA you must do a LOT of requirements though, both human and countries.

Since the school is divided into multiple Departments because of the countries geographical positions in Earth, countries who apply has to specify from what continent they are along with demonstrating whether what hemisphere they are from, their country status, their countries region, properties, history etc. They also must show their country age and if they had already Unleashed or not. Depending on this information they are put in a proper Department and classes.

Similar to the countries, humans also has to fill requirements to enter the school, with the exception of showing documents showing country status of stuff like that. Humans have to fill requirements such as specifying whether what family they are from(Its important since they need to know if he/she is from one of the colonies). Humans also has to fill documents explaing their history and how long they have lived in Lumiterra.

Some humans in Lumiterra are actually humans that will become countries later, as well as there are also regular humans. The regular humans have to do what was listed above along with Academic status meanwhile humans who will become countries have to show off documents explaining what linage of countries they are from(That decides what country they will become in the future).

According to those things the humans-about to become countries are placed in something called Transformation Sessions which is the process program of humans' transformation into countries, cities or states. Unlike the past, countries don't get turned in the same way both rather is through a process made in these specific sessions.

 There are also unofficial countries, cities and states who apply to this school. An Unofficial have to specify they are unofficial and their type and have to show their current status because depending on that and their species they will be put with other Unofficials of their species in a different class with countries but separated from Unofficial cities or states.

Something else to be said is that Unofficials cant have the same type of classes than actual countries or representations since they take different type of training as well as CUCs(Country Unleashing Ceremony aka the Tournament) doesn't go to all Unofficials, only countries that are Unofficials.

The CUCs is the Tournament held in the school for the ranking of Unleashings. And its pretty much alike to the Olympics. It will be further explained on future stories.

UN created this Academy shortly after The Grand Lumiterra Settlement in 1980. He created it with the intention of nations learning their purpose and having a better guide for a great and explendid future that awaits for them. The countries that settled in Lumiterra now go to this Academy to learn the basics of being a nation.

And that will be everything in here. Next chapter will contain more original headcanons since I was inspired by a series for this. Hope you liked this chapter and see you on the next update, hopefully uploaded tommorow. Bye.

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