Reproduction, mating and extra stuff

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"Almost every country has a parent, human or not, but some has rather unknown origins."


A country knows when it must reproduce. Main reasons can be because of political or regional affairs. They usually mate with humans, of course they disguise as us, so we won't know. Few of them mate with their own kind, its practically very rare. Their genders can be either male or female. The parents wont know if they will have a girl or boy until he/she borns.

When it's about having children, they can be cities, states and regions and even human children!(Its rare tho). Female countries can give birth to them as well as human woman(and obiously the human wont know because they take their human forms) , but its more dangerous at birth since the human female body is not used to countries unlike female countries.

And of course both female and male countries can reproduce with their oposite human genders. However, the human most likely never raise that child since the baby  will most probaly be a country and the country parent might take the baby away.

The number of offspring they will have depends on the dynasty timeline, for example, old countries like Great Britain had 8 offsprings (with different women) because of the colonies that got conquered and became countries.

Another thing to say is that sometimes, countries can have TWO babies that represent the same land, this are called Twin Countries and unlike other countries, they have a connection with eachother and can hear eachother thoughts even. Basically  both twins have control over the same land, for example our Japan are actually two, a Japan female(Japan-Chan) and a Japan male. I shall talk about this later.

There has also been cases where countries can randomly have an offspring from nowhere. Like HRE(Holy Roman Empire) or Holier like we like to call it, had Prussia out of nowhere without even reproducing, and thats also rare(Although not in the old times).

About height, as countries grow, they will change height according to what kind of country they might be the future, for example, if a country like URSS was small as a child, when he grew up he beacame taller until adult where he was a literal building. An of course if a country that was an avarage height as a child like Germany for example, then when adult he will obiously  stay small, at least smaller than other larger countries.

Last part I wanted to talk about here is that countries although they now reside in somewhere else that isnt Earth, they can still be around us, not only for mating but sometimes in the case of civil wars or conflicts they come back to their land.

Anyways that pretty much it for this chapter! Sorry if it is short, is that there wasnt a lot to talk about here. Hopefully the next headcanon will be longer since we will talk about the dimension place where the countries live now  called Lumiterra!

Bye now!

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