Country and Life Source

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"Life source is something we all have.

It means something that keeps us alive,

that's why we we need to protect them

and keep them safe"


(Thanks for 400 reads, I m so happy that you all liked this headcanons. I m sorry this took a long time, I really need to work on posting more).

A country have many life sources, life sources are basically things that keep the representations like countryhumans alive. This goes to other kinds of representations like states, cities or military representations( Although they are much less dependent on them than the countryhumans. These other personifications rely more on their countries.)

Life sources could be things like, obiously, territory. Aswell as Gemstones. Gemstones are alike to the Diamonds of Territoty, but they are little gems that the representations, mostly countries, use as another life source. The reason of this is to be able to use their powers more effiently aswell as to keep themselves alive in case of anything(Like a war or annexation). In any case, the countryhuman could still be alive inside the gemstone even when they don't have their land mass anymore. Unless the gemstones don't get destroyed, they can sure still live. The problem is that in many cases, the countryhuman dies because the gem is either destroyed right after or simply is not taken care of(This is the case woth most countries). After all, living countries most of the time are unaware of this fact.

This method is actually recent, created sometime back in the 1700s or 1689. The countries before those times had the Diamonds of Territory(DOT) as their other life source. It could be said that the origin of these gemstones comes from the DOTs but until the moment is not confirmed.

Countries hide these gemstones in either collars,hats or other hair accesories. The reason to hide it is to avoid it from getting broken or damaged, that can be fatal to any Countryhuman.

Country gemstones look like these:

Country gemstones look like these:

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While DOTs(Diamonds of Territory) look like these:

While DOTs(Diamonds of Territory) look like these:

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And of course the gemstones are actually real life gemstones such as amber, esmerald, lapis lazuli etc

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And of course the gemstones are actually real life gemstones such as amber, esmerald, lapis lazuli etc.( Diamond not,because the DOTs exist, these gemstones can't be diamonds,example above).

Countries rely on many things to keep living, however they not only need these gemstones because it keeps them alive, but because these gemstones contain their soul. The explanation for this is very long, but in summary its has to do with the Transformation headcanon I wrote. The countries die as human(in other words, not born as countries)to then be reborn as countries, and it can be different with any country. The thing is when a country dies, so does their human soul in the gem. If you want to know more about this, I will post more things about later.

I hope you liked this. And I m once again sorry I didnt post this before, I just need to organize myself better. Any suggestions of anythings else you want to know about our TLOCH AU are more than welcome in the comment section. I m really thankful for all these reads.See you next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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Countryhumans Headcanons and Introduction to TLOCH(The Legend Of CountryHumans)Where stories live. Discover now