A Country 's Death

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"We cant do anything

to avoid death. Even if we are

immortal, that still dont save

us from our demise"


(Sorry if I Itook a lot of time to finally upload this. We were both very busy!).

(The following text will detail a lot of headcanons, not just one. It will be like a lot of ideas into one. Take in mind to not take anything personal or seriously.Thank you and lets start).

Countries, even though they are quite immortal and can't die by regular means, still they can perish for many other reasons that regular humans obviously won't die from. I shall explain.

A country can die in many unsual ways, such as annexation, which is technically their land being taken by other nations, causing the fall of their country and thus, their death since they have nothing else to represent. This is how Polonish-Lituanian Commonwealth died.

Countries can also die if they get murdered by another country, an example of this is the Russian Empire who was killed by the latter called URSS. This murder however, can be difficult since when a country is in their homeland, they can survive such atttempts of killing as long as they still represent their homeland. The soul fact that Russian Empire no longer could represent his homeland was the advantage that gave URSS the opportunity of killing his father. 

Also a country can die from their states or colonies rebel and gain independence too. By simply claiming independence, the nation then splits and thus, the countryhuman won't represent it anymore but his/her children. Many countries and empires has died like this.

Another way that is less common is their mind being consumed by the thoughts of either the goverment or the people. When something like this happens, it happens because probally the goverment want to seize control or the people want independence. All of this pressure drives the country insane, so insane that they unvoluntarily become completly empty minded. 

Although this is a way that a country can perish, first of all it wouldn't really kill the country completly, most likely only destroy their mind. And second, a country could control or tune the voices of the people and their goverment to cause less stress. This type of death most of the time could be efficient on very inexperienced countries.

When a country is dying, dark veins appear on their body slowly by slowly  not to mention they vomit a black liquid too. Sometimes, when is a fusion the one who 's dying, their body fragments and floats away. It is very painful for them and they can't quite control it.

After death, the country 's body sprouts multiple little flowers which are presumed to be the national flower. From all those flowers, in the country 's chest, a large one sprouts and opens, revealing an object inside of it. This obejct contains the soul of the country partially since the other part goes to another "dimension" called the Dead World which I will explain later.( We might have kinda borrowed the object idea from MapleCH, credits to them).

If the object is touched by another country from the same bloodline, it will either morph into something related to the country(This happened with the Italians, more context on another story)or just stay pasted to that country who now has it(Like the germans, when they die their object is always a cross).

If the object gets to be fully destroyed, there is a slight chance that the dead country might come back to life. But meanwhile the object is not eliminated, the soul of the country may see the alive world, but cannot interact with any alive ones(Unless for some reason the object is somehow close to the country who stores it, the souls may at least interact with that alive country) .

The other part of the country soul goes to another place beyond Earth called the Dead World, which is a place where, as the name says, dead countries go. The place is pretty much just a white , empty space with a bit of grey in it. In this world, countries are just...there. Basically living their lives as if they were alive. They can observe the alive ones from there, and can interact with each other. This world was created by the Roman Empire(context on a future story).

However, a dead country, once they are in the Dead World, they have to fill a list of their wrongdoings called "service". The service is the whole list of wrongdoings a country have done, and they most recognize and admit them in order to in other words, be redeemed. Otherwise wont be able to do anything else or see their loved ones, even if their soul object is close to an alive country.

EDIT: Alive countries can enter the Dead World using a dead one's object, which creates a portal that leads them there. However, its dangerous to stay in the Dead World for too long, since an alive country's body have different properties than a dead one.

In TLOCH, some countries have managed to escape their deaths by simply denying it, but that is for another story.

Thank you for your patience and sorry for taking to long to post this, live gets busy sometimes! It's 11:00 here so we need to go to bed. A future book may be uploaded soon by the way. Bye!

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