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"We don't decide our fate, it just happens.

We become what we are meant to become.

There's no escape."


(Dont take seriously anything you see here, its not reality but fiction)

Ok, so what are countries in this AU(TLOCH)?

The countries, also called nations or countryhumans, are a species and different individuals not so different to humans as they look almost alike, the only difference from both is that, unlike humans, countries are immortals and can't die by easy ways as humans can, meaning they are immortal. Besides of that, countries have a specific power that easily separates them from humans, and humans are unaware of their existence. They also have a long time existing.

Countries have flags ontheir faces, apart from that, they basically look human , with human skin and everything(Although they their hair color is the one of their flag, they can just dye it to look even more human). They don'thave proper ears like humans, more like little holes on the sides where theyhear, same thing with their noses, at first glance you can't see it, but itsthere, only that is WAY smaller than us and is also little holes They evendress like humans do depending on what nation they represent, for example, the country that represent the US will most likely dress like americans would.

Countries can easily take human forms which is basically them covering their true flag-face.

Another thing they can have are wings and tails, depending on the animals on their flags or shields, for example, Wales have horns and tails because of the dragon on his flag.

The Countries have different unhuman-like abilities, such as rapidness and superhuman strength. But some separate country families have own abilities within the family(which are basically genetic curses) such as vampirism or lycanthropy. Countries can change sizes too but that's not to likely. Besides of that, they have fast regeneration and each country have its own countrinity which is the special and unique ability that a country possesses (or superpower) like Estonia has superhearing for example.

Another thing is that countries can also travel to other countries land by teleporting with portals which they create with their  shield/flag symbols(although they will have to need the help of the other country to get there). If they travel to another country 's land without their consent, it will cause trouble and might be taken as an invasion. They not necessarily only in their respective places. Countries have their access to their land and easily teleport to their land and back with their shield/flag symbols. If the symbol on their flag(if it is on their flag) gets damaged, then the country wont have access to their land until they recover they symbol back(yes they rely a lot on their symbol). 

Currently countryhumans dont reside in Earth anymore, just a few. They live in a dimension-place called Lumiterra since the 80's which I will explain later.

Countries can be female and male and they can reproduce with eachother and even humans but I will explain more of that on another chapter.

Anyways! Thats pretty much the BASIC information of our countries. Sorry if its too confusing. If you have any questions I shall clarify it for you in the comments.

Further information of all of this will be explained on the next updates! If you want to know anything just let us know down in the comments! Bye!

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Countryhumans Headcanons and Introduction to TLOCH(The Legend Of CountryHumans)Where stories live. Discover now