Chapter 31

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Me and Mui decided to play some games together before deciding it was time to sleep. When we woke up I could tell it was afternoon because of how hot it was. I could also hear the sound of bugs humming outside, I got up and saw Mui was already awake. 'I guess he didn't want to wake me.' I walked through the halls of the estate to see Mui making breakfast.

I took a seat at the table looking around "Goodmorninggg!" He looked back at me and his expression softened, "Goodmorninggg." His goodmorning wasn't as energetic as mine, more like soft and gentle. "SOoooOo, what you making?" He chopped up some vegetables, "I'm making soba." I could feel my smile grow, I loveee soba. "Ookay." I sat at the table starting conversation once in awhile until Mui was done, he placed chopsticks infront of me and my bowl then got me some water. "Thank youu." I grabbed the chopsticks and started slurping my soba.

Once I was done I washed my bowl and my cup. And thanked Mui, "It was soo good thanks." he blushed a little and nodded, I was thinking about going to see Mitsuri and Shinobu because we haven't talked much since my mission with Uzui. "Mui do you wanna go with me to visit Mitsuri and Shinobu??" He shook his head, "I can't Uzui wants to see me later on." I nodded my head understanding. I've always wondered what he does when he goes to Uzui's estate. I've noticed its around tuesday, and when he goes it seems all the boys go too. I shook my head forgetting about it.

I said my goodbyes to Mui knowing we'd see each other later anyway. I walked to Mitsuri's estate and knocked on the door, she answered and her smile grew, "Eeek! Y/n!!" I smiled and she hugged me tightly almost making it so I can't breathe, "I missed you sooo much!" I tried to say it back but she was squeezing my bones, soon she put me down and I caught my breath. "I missed you too, I'm sorry I haven't visited much." She laughed and invited me inside.

We walked throughout the halls until we reached the living room "No, it's okay I've actually been busy myself." We sat down and I questioned what she was busy with, "Ohhh you know just hanging out with Iguro." She started moving her hand around a lot and I glanced and seen a ring, my eyes widened and I squealed a little bit, "You're getting married?!?!?!" She smiled and nodded her head. "We agreed that the wedding would be after we finish off Muzan." I smiled, "I can't wait! I'm invited right?!" She pretended to think about it for a moment until we both laughed, "Of course you are, that's not even a question."

We caught up while drinking some matcha tea. Mostly we both talked about our lovers, "Next time we should invite Shinobu." She nodded her head, "Definitely!" I thought about it for a second am I the only one who had no idea about the engagement?!?! "Wait am I the only one who had no idea?" She shook her head, "Only Oyakata-sama, Rengoku, Iguro, and Uzui knows so far. We're tryna surprise the rest." I nodded my head and took a sip of my tea, "Well I should get going, I think Mui is done with whatever he does with Uzui and he's probably lonely now."

I finished my tea and Mitsuri walked me to the door, "Okay bye y/n! Thanks for visiting and come more often!" I nodded my head and waved goodbye before walking back to Mui's estate. I wanted to tell him about everything me and Mitsuri talked about, I always told him about everything, he's my best friend after all. When I got there I saw Mui just sitting there writing something. "What're you writing?" Mui looked at me and smiled. "I forgot to write a report on a village close by, so I'm doing it right now." I nodded and sat down by him, "Oh! Guess whatt!" He looked down and hummed. You smiled and told him everything Mitsuri told you. You always gossiped with him about other demon slayers and he gossiped to you too. "Oh yeah! I need a new demon slayer uniform too, since mine got cut up when fighting with Uzui."

He nodded and handed me a paper and a pen. "Thanks!" I started writing your letter to Oyakata-sama about your new uniform and changes I wanted to it to make fighting more comfortable. I then called my crow, "Pigglepops!" My crow came in visibly annoyed. For some reason he's always hated his name, I love it though. I rolled the letter up and gave it to him. "Give this to Oyakata-sama." My crow flew away and left.

Mui laid on your lap and played with my haori. "I love you n/n." I played with his bangs and smiled at him, "I love you more Mui." He fell asleep in my lap and I called his crow and rolled up his letter for him. I didn't want him getting in trouble because of me and I wanted to torture his crow a little. I picked Mui up, he isn't as heavy as he looks, then I took him to the bedroom, sat him, on the bed, and changed my clothes. I contemplated changing his too but decided to just take his haori off and put his hair in a pony tail. I got in bed with him and hugged him tightly. "Goodnight Mui." You fell asleep on his chest hoping that tomorrow would be another day of you guys together.

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