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I watched as the purple Kraigon and my Wubboxes all eventually return home after that final fight with the Rare Kraigon. Such a brutal ending it was, I almost felt bad for it until I remember the cruel and heartless things it has done. I refrained from reviving it even though I very much had the power to, but reviving it would be a horrible idea.

"Well, that sure was... eventful." Spoke Scaratar beside me.

"Indeed." I agreed, nodding my head. "I'm just glad that is all over and now those bunch can feel safe and secure at last."

"Are they just gonna leave the dude to rot?"

"I guess so."

"That's cold."

"No, Holly is back at Cold Island." I joked with a laugh.

"Not that type of cold, Galli!" Scaratar elbowed me with a chuckle.

"I know, I know."

Suddenly, we both heard wingbeats behind us, large wingbeats. I automatically knew who it was. Azeas.

"Well, well, well," They began in a booming voice, "it appears that my poor itty bitty Rare Kraigon has met his harsh demise."

I raise an eyebrow.

"And you're... happy about it?"

Suddenly, Azeas' tone switches to frustration.

"No! I am livid! Absolutely livid!"

I then narrow my brows at Azeas.

"But I thought what you wanted was for your creations to 'die out'; your words, not mine."

"Don't be sarcastic with me, Galvana." Azeas snarled. "I'm only mad because now that other Kraigon doesn't have a threat."

"Alright, guys, there is obviously some tension going on here, so why don't we just relax and, uh, discuss?" Scaratar butted in with a nervous grin.

"You shut it before I squash you like the bug you are." Azeas barked.

"Azeas..." I said lowly and impatiently.

Azeas huffed before turning and mumbling something below their breath, I could just barely hear what they were saying, it was something about making the purple Kraigon suffer, along with the other one. But what other one? Azeas did say there were three left so... if the rare one is now dead, that leaves the common one and- the epic Kraigon! But where could that one be? I never saw it on Wyvern Island, or at all.

"Azeas, if you're thinking about eliminating Laizard, I'm not gonna let you do that." I spoke sternly. "And that is for many reasons."

"Oh, boo boo, wouldn't want to get your son's new girlfriend hurt!" Azeas taunted.

"Girlfriend?" Scaratar peeped in curiosity. "Wait- oh!"

"It's not just because of that, y'know." I said.

"I dunno, it seemed like you couldn't care less about the thing until she started interacting with Volare or whatever his name is." Azeas rolled her eyes.

"That's not true. I decided to take the responsibility to look after Laizard since you are too arrogant and proud to do it yourself. Besides, how would you know when you flew away from me the first time?"

Scaratar covered their agape mouth after I chew out at Azeas.

"You are the only celestial that has done absolutely nothing valuable for these monsters. Attmoz brings the winds to make sure it doesn't get too hot, Hornacle brings the rain for our hydration, Torrt is the celestial of the Earth element for crying out loud! All you ever did was become a ghost story and make the Kraigon because everyone else was making their own creations. But even then, you made the Kraigon almost a whole decade after we made our own creations!"

Azeas seemed to be silent for a whole minute just processing all that I've said.

"Mhm." They responded simply.

"I'm concerned about you, Azeas."

"Well there's nothing to be concerned about." Azeas spat.

"I'm worried too." Scaratar added. "Why do you seem so against your own creation?"

"What's it to ya?" Azeas growled.

"What is wrong with you? Why are you acting so hostile??" I rose my voice up a bit.

"I said don't worry about it, I'll figure everything out!" Azeas shouted.

I decided to let it go and simply whispered,

"... If you say so."

I say this, knowing damn well I'm gonna worry about it anyway. I don't like the thought of Azeas being up to something, especially if they're gonna be this defensive.

[BEING REBOOTED] ASOA II: A Hum of Insanity || MSMWhere stories live. Discover now