Chapter Eight : Insanity

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Laizard continues to sob over Suri's little tombstone as her tail curls around her legs, like an animal displaying submission. The purple Kraigon is in complete distraught of the death of her second ever child.

Why? Why does this always happen only to me? And why isn't anybody doing a damn thing about it!? If Galvana can revive monsters now, why can't they just do that for Suri!

Laizard's muzzle wrinkles with frustration and she shuts her eyes tight as she feels an urge to just punch anything nearby, be it a tree, the ground, or even a rock if her knuckles wouldn't break after trying! Her tail begins to tingle and bristle, and her muscles begin to tense up. Her lips rise, exposing her snarling teeth and glossy, dark gums. Her eyes now open again, revealing slit pupils as thin as a cat's hair.

In her vision, everything starts to go into a blur out of her control, but Laizard doesn't worry at first, maybe she's just getting too angry, and her body is forcing itself to zone out just to relax, but Laizard doesn't feel herself calming down. Her long claws dig into the dirt of Air Island, and she is one the verge of frustrated cries, but she keeps her muzzle shut for now, aside from the quiet snarling to herself.

Everything is still a blur in her eyes, now her own train of thought seems to be slowly evaporating from her head. Her body is starting to rock side to side, as a raging headache occurs, causing Laizard to yelp quietly and hold her head tight with her unsheathed paws, accidentally cutting some parts of her scalp, forcing a wince out of herself, but she can't retract her claws, despite how much she wants to, to avoid hurting herself again.

Laizard wants to scream, but again, resists the urge, because she knew that if she screamed at the top of her lungs from the pain, it would definitely catch the attention of some monsters nearby, most specifically and importantly, Volare and Eldoris.

Laizard stands up with her paws still to her head because of the indescribable headache. She wobbles over to the tree that Suri was "buried" in front of, and Laizard aggressively pressed her head against it, in hopes that the pain of that would overpower the headache, but it only made the headache worse, of course.

Laizard grits her teeth, as she feels a lump in her throat, like she's about to vomit, but that never happens as of now. Suddenly, a booming, elderly feminine voice erupts out of nowhere.

"Just let it out."

Laizard rapidly turns to look behind her with an unfriendly face, she seems pretty pissed that somebody would interrupt her time of mourning and pain. But nobody was there. Laizard's pupils flutter side to side for a moment as they enlarge from confusion, is she hearing things? Has she gone insane? She shakes her head, trying to erase any thoughts in her mind.

"Don't try to act like you don't want to do what you're thinking of doing."

Laizard's eyes widen again.

Who the hell is this?! And why can't I see them?? This is freaky as all hell.

She looks around again, in hopes of finding a culprit to this mysterious voice, but yet again, nothing.

It's just a voice, Laizard. Ignore it.

"Don't ignore me, rat."

The voice then decides to insult Laizard, maybe in hopes of grabbing her attention now, for Laizard was prone into not taking insults too well, no matter how weak the insult would be.

Ignore it.

She tells herself again.

"Are you that pathetic? Don't answer that. You are. You're only still alive because of those Wubboxes by your side. Otherwise, Remnac would've killed you sooner, like that one time on this same exact island. He almost had you deader than a rotting animal, but that Air Wubbox saved you. You are weak without them."

Laizard can feel the veins in her eyeballs starting to intensify. Did this voice really just bring up her past? Especially Remnac? At this point, the guy is just irrelevant now, he's been dead! Why is he still brought up? This just supports the idea of this being Laizard's own mind playing tricks on her, becase nobody else would say stuff like this to her, right?

"Weak, I tell you. For a species that's known as 'the queen of monsters', that's really pathetic."

It's just mocking her at this point, which makes Laizard just more furious. Smoke began to emit from her nostrils, which causes the voice in her head to laugh maniacally.

"That's it. Be angry. And now, let your anger out. Cause destruction. Cause mayhem. Cause TRAGEDY. Show the world that you're not just a weak little kitten who relies on robots for help."

No. Ignore it. Keep ignoring it.

"Do it, Laizard."

Laizard's claws dig deeper into the ground, as now she's conflicted. This voice is manipulating her, and she knows it, but then again, she's still falling for it. She wants to destroy something now, she's angry. She thinks that this is unfair that her children always have to die before reaching adulthood, even though Quake and Skitter are still alive and well, Laizard is thinking about the biological children she has lost. Her own offspring.

"You know you want to avenge them both. I know you do. You are not as weak as you make yourself to be. You are the queen of monsters, so prove that you are strong enough for your species to hold that title."

. . .


The voice begins to get more aggressive with Laizard's hesitance. Now, Laizard is completely still. She's staring at the ground, she can feel the sanity slowly being driven out of her, like if it were being sucked out of her body with a large syringe. The smoke in her nostrils grow larger, and Laizard can feel the heat in her throat grow hotter.

"That's it. You've got that fire, use it. Finally put it to some good use. You never got the chance to burn Remnac's face into ashes, but you know who or what you can do that to now? Anyone at your disposal. GO! BE A MONSTER! BE A BEAST!"

Long hisses erupt from Laizard's throat, like a sizzling fire. Her pupils are slits again, if not even thinner now. She spreads her wings to their fullest extent and takes off into the sky. She roars into the air and a wave of flames leave her maw as she shouts. 

She begins to fly around. With her head low, facing Air Island below her, she breathes more fire to the ground, catching nearby trees, bushes, and more on fire; and with the gusts of wind from her wings flapping, it only makes the fire grow larger.

Laizard continues to soar through the air, and she is heading off in one direction: the direction to Plant Island.

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