Chapter Three : Suri!!

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Dominion panted as he was frantically running around trying to get all of the monsters to safety from the erupting volcano. As he was trying to shield a group of Drumplers, a giant piece of lava rock hit his arm, leaving a large, burnt dent.

Dominion cursed in agony as he staggered a bit from the impact, causing the Drumplers to shiver with worry.

"Just go! Get outta here!" Dominion roared.

The group of Drumplers rapidly nod and began sprinting to the direction of Fire Haven with the rest of the escaping monsters.

"Shit, shit, shit, okay, okay... calm down, Dominion, it's just a scratch..." Dominion took deep breaths, trying to calm himself down, but the pain continued to burn.

"Think, dumbass! You have monsters to save!" He told himself again, hustling himself up again and searched for any other survivors.

Looking up, he saw a Tweedle trying to fly away, before getting hit and crushed by more lava rock.

The cut off shriek made Dominion's heart sink as the poor thing was definitely dead after that one, as a loose purple feather landed on his face. He felt almost sick.

Suddenly, he was hit again but by a smaller rock on the shoulder. Grunting with pain, he nearly collapsed but he still had to evacuate all of the monsters before they all burn by the rushing lava.

However, Dominion fell to his knees, but was quickly picked up by a sudden presence. He felt fur wrapped underneath his arms and he heard jingling of somebody's earrings.

"Laizard?" Dominion's voice rasped.

"Volare too!" The Epic Air Wubbox peeped in from behind Laizard.

"C'mon, get up!" Laizard said hurriedly, trying her best to pick up the massive robot.

"Ow! You're hurting me!" Dominion growled.

"Sorry, just-"

"GET OFF!" Dominion shoved Laizard away from him, and he slowly got up on his own. "The hell are you two doing here?!"

"What do you think? We're getting you guys out of here!" Laizard yelled through the loud volcano.

"You morons are gonna get yourselves killed! Go home!"

"No!" Volare protested.

"Ugh, fine! Just watch your backs!"

Then, Dominion, Volare, and Laizard all work together to get most of the monsters out of harm's way and to the safety of Fire Haven island.

Shortly after, Dominion heard a tiny shriek.


"What the hell?" The Epic Earth Wubbox turned and saw that Suri, one of Laizard's children, was running after their mother. "LAIZARD, THE HELL IS YOUR KID DOING HERE?!"

"WHAT?!" Laizard shouted with a terrified tone as she looked down and saw Suri clinging to her leg. "SURI! YOU NEED TO GO HOME! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?"

"Mama! I'm scared!!" Suri wailed.

"You, Volare, and that child need to go home NOW! I can handle this!" Dominion snarled.

"No! We're not just gonna leave you!" Volare argued. "You'll die!"

Dominion could feel the oil in his body boil out of frustration and he just wanted to grab and shake Volare, but that wasn't gonna solve anything. 

He turns around and sees a scared Reedling. Trying to pick it up, he gets impacted again but on his back.

"Dominion!" Volare yelped with concern for his brother as he ran to him.

"I'M FINE!" Dominion roared. "Don't worry about me right now!"





Volare shivered a bit and turned back to look at his partner trying to get her child to go home where it is safe, but it doesn't seem that Suri is too convinced to let go of Laizard's leg.

Soon enough, Stoowarb and Tawkerr enter the scene and they help Dominion evacuate the monsters.

Dominion carries the terrified Reedling to the safe direction of Fire Haven, where it regroups with its family.

Stoowarb leads a whole bunch of Tweedles out of the chaos, and Tawkerr carries an unconscious Hyehehe.

"I think we got everyone!" Stoowarb shouted through the booming explosions.

"Are you sure?" Dominion and Tawkerr both reply with concern.

"I'm sure! Let's just got out of here before we burn ourselves!"

The two Werdos began cantering to Fire Haven with the rest of the monsters that were trying to escape, before Dominion spoke up.

"Give me a minute, I have to get my brother and his family out of here!" Dominion then hustled back to Volare and Laizard, who are trying to get Suri out of the island.

"Volare! Can you just save these humbugs while I get Suri away from the danger myself?" Laizard panted.


"That child doesn't seem to be listening to you, Laizard."

Dominion growled.

Laizard shot Dominion a snarl as she held Suri tight, but Suri seemed to finally get the memo that this is not safe and they should just go all flight mode no matter what happens to their mother. They shoved themself out of their mom's hold and began flying back to Air Island, or were they? Were they going to Wyvern Island?

No. Suri was running in the direction of Water Island instead.

That stupid child!

"No! That's the wrong way!" Volare shouted.

"Suri!" Laizard called out to her child, ready to fly after them.

Suddenly, Suri is impacted midair by a falling rock of lava. 

Dominion's eyes widen as he watched the baby Kraigon scream with pain after getting shot down from the air and they crash straight into a massive body of water, causing a huge splash.

Dominion and Volare both shriek while Laizard straight up screams with terror, tears instantly rushing down her cheeks. Every strand of her fur is bristled to the brim and to Dominion, she looked like she had just been punched in the gut from the pain and heartbreak for what they just witnessed.


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