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Kim Taehyung loved to collect beautiful things.

Taehyung was obsessed with these things, his family would say. He would do anything to get his hands on them, keeping them for himself, and Taehyung was so proud of them. He had a dedicated floor inside his large house to display his collections. Some were kept securely inside glass boxes, some displayed proudly on the wall.

Every time Taehyung had guests over, he would take them on a tour around that floor. His face would lit up every time praises given for them as he explained the background of each thing in detail. All of the shiny stuff on display wasn't all of his collections, though. Taehyung had a separate room for the things that he treasured more, that he loved more. He locked the room securely from others' prying eyes. Only Taehyung was allowed to lay his eyes on them on a daily basis with an exception for his siblings that sometimes he would take there, but it was an infrequent occurrence. No one was brave enough to enter the room since only Taehyung held the key; only his trusted attendants allowed to come once a week to wipe his special collections all clean.

Taehyung and the size of his collection grew exponentially over the years. With a massive amount of money he owned and the power that his name and his family gave him, it was quite easy to expand his collection. Just with a point of his finger, he got everything he wanted-arranged perfectly according to his liking.

He was relentless and ruthless when it came to his collection. Some of the things he took a liking on had owners, some were easily persuaded with the right amount of money, but some were persistent. They held on Taehyung's things, refusing to give in. He would try to talk them, sweetly at first, trying to smooth his way to his goal-their possessions. Most of them would fall eventually for his caring words, believing his persuasions.

Humans' hearts were easy to manipulate; Taehyung exploited that aspect for his advantage. Of course, there were always defects on his plan, where the owners were too brave, too stubborn. Taehyung would deal with them differently; he would ruin their lives. No, he did not murder people for fun, but he would give them warnings. He tweaked with their lives, gradually destroying them until they begged to him, begged to spare their lives. That was where Taehyung would ask them again for their possessions, and this time they would give them to him then after he got what he wanted, finally, he would throw the former owners away to where the trashes belonged.

After almost a year of restraining himself from seeking new things to add to his collection, Taehyung finally found one. A precious, beautiful jewel.

It was a cold Monday in early December. His mood was already in ruin since the morning from the traffic jam he had to endure on his way to the office, and the reports his subordinates submitted to him yesterday did not meet his expectation at all. Now, his secretary reminded him that he had to meet the newly hired recruits of the company too, his patience was already seconds away from crumbling down, yet he couldn't bail this one. It was a new tradition that he made after he was announced as the new Chairman of the Chanae group, his family's company, he had no choice but to hold on to his words.

Taehyung didn't even bother to smile at them, the only thing he needed was to welcome them to the company, to remind them about their responsibilities, and the consequences if they failed to follow the rules. Words would suffice, he thought, until his eyes landed on one of the recruits. He couldn't stop the smile that grew on his face, the twinkle of interest in his eyes. Taehyung found a diamond in a clump of hay. A man, a beautiful one. Taehyung never saw someone like him before, he could sense his curiosity peaked and the thuds of his heart inside his chest rapidly increasing as his eyes roamed on the beautiful man's features. The recruits were all visibly relaxed now that he smiled. He kept his sight on the gorgeous man. He took a nervous glance at Taehyung and quickly averted his eyes when he realized that Taehyung was looking at him.

I SET MY EYES ON YOU ~ Taegi / Yoonkook ff (Complete!)Where stories live. Discover now