Sanctuary -Stockholm syndrome

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Some days, you're the only thing I know
The only thing that's burning when the nights grow cold
Can't look away, can't look away
Beg you to stay, beg you to stay, yeah
Sometimes, you're a stranger in my bed
Don't know if you love me or you want me dead
Push me away, push me away
Then beg me to stay, beg me to stay, yeah

Teeth - 5 Seconds of Summer

"Yoongi, let's go home," Jungkook spoke softly to himself as he turned his car into a nearby gas station. "Baby, I'm so worried," he whispered as his eyes slowly searched for an empty parking spot. Jungkook stayed quiet as he parked his car, and he looked at the convenience stare, suddenly didn't want the coffee that he craved anymore. He had rounded Seoul for the second time that night and visited the places that Yoongi frequented, but of course, no Yoongi in his sight. Jungkook knew the probability that Yoongi was still in Seoul was small. The younger was smart. He knew that Jungkook would find him immediately just from scouring around his favorite spots.

Jungkook snorted.

He had practiced both lines over and over again ever since he started his search hours ago. Jungkook knew how to make his words sounded sincere, to lace his voice with worry. It would be a big lie to say that he was worried; it was more like he was pissed off. Jungkook wanted Yoongi to come back home, sure, but to say that he was concerned wasn't exactly right. And, Jungkook knew that even if he found Yoongi, the younger would refuse to go home with him if he didn't sound sincere enough. Ah, so fucking tiring. He traced his fingers at the stitches on his steering wheel before he laughed. He is already out of Seoul. Jungkook checked his watch and frowned when he realized it was almost past midnight. He should rest for tonight.

Jungkook had listed every possible place that Yoongi might visit in dire time like this. The younger wouldn't visit his parents' house nor his older brother because their homes would be too obvious, and if Yoongi didn't want Jungkook to find him too fast, then he would avoid them. So, that left Jungkook other possible options that were still in Seoul, and he didn't find Yoongi there. Jungkook also had thought about searching in Taehyung's house, but Yoongi wouldn't be that stupid to run away from Jungkook to the home of the man he cheated on him. No, he would choose to be as far away as he can from the source of his problem. Yoongi had told him before about the place he always visited when he was troubled.

Ah, Yoongi. I guess we'll meet each other very soon.

Jungkook started the engine of his car. He was tired and needed some sleep.

I'm going to order him to search for the address, and then I'll pick up Yoongi there.

Jungkook drove out of the gas station. A small smile etched on his face.




Yoongi felt much better as soon as his foot stepped on the tile floor of the station's platform. He slowly looked around his surrounding, taking in the familiar yet unfamiliar view. Yoongi felt anxious, and he decided to go here in the spur of the moment. Still, Yoongi also couldn't help but feel safe. He was going to be safe here away from both Taehyung and Jungkook. He sighed as the images of the two men surged inside his head—what a piece of luck.

It had been six years since Yoongi's last visit to Daegu.

Ever since the big fight between his mother and his grandmother years ago, Yoongi rarely visited Daegu. He was still quite small when both women fought in front of him, but he could conclude that it didn't end well. His mother was too angry to let the fight go without apology, and his Grandmother was too prideful to apologize, so that was that. They had settled everything around four years ago, but Yoongi assumed that both of them still felt a little awkward to each other because of the fight since his mother kept on wondering whether she should visit Daegu or not. It wasn't that bad now, though. Both women tried their best to communicate better if what his father told him was right, and his Grandmother had started to send gifts to his mother again a year ago.

I SET MY EYES ON YOU ~ Taegi / Yoonkook ff (Complete!)Where stories live. Discover now