Confrontation - he lied to you!!

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FLASHBACK; 10 months before the present day, a bar in Incheon.

"Park Jimin!" Jungkook called and waved his hand shortly as soon as he entered the bar and found his friend—his best friend?—who was currently talking with a serious face to the bartender. He assumed that it was quite serious because both of them looked tense, and they spoke in whispers. Jimin only turned his head to him after he called him the second time, and a grin made its way to his face. They punched each other shoulders in greetings and then moved to positioned themselves on the nearest table, away from the crowd. Jimin ordered two glasses of wine for them before they settled comfortably.

"It has been a long time. How have you been?" Jimin asked after they've set themselves on their spot, he leaned on the table. "How is the sugar baby doing?" He asked teasingly. Jungkook frowned and rolled his eyes in irritation.

"I'm good," Jungkook answered the first question, curtly. He didn't bother to ask the same question back. "Also, he is not my sugar baby, he is my boyfriend, and you know Yoongi is quite loaded too, why would he need my money?" Jungkook said. He leaned back on his chair when a waiter came to their table and served their wine between them. Jimin only gave him a small grin in response and took a sniff at his wine happily, the man in front of Jungkook loved wine to some extent that it was kind of unhealthy.

"This is 1997 Penfolds Grange Shiraz," Jimin introduced the wine to Jungkook as he took another whiff and shuddered in apparent giddiness. "You have to appreciate a good wine by tasting it sip by sip. Don't you dare gulp it down, or I will make you pay," Jimin shot a look at Jungkook, remembering the habit of him gulping down any kind of alcohol down to his throat. "Ah, as expected of 900,000 Wons worth of wine—this is fantastic," Jimin groaned after he sipped his glass.

Jungkook let out a fake gasp of surprise. "Wait, I can't afford this," he said. "My salary is quite satisfying, but splurging my money on tertiary things like this is too much," he added as he put his glass down. Jimin looked at him funny.

"Drop your act in front of me," Jimin huffed. "You have enough money in your bank account to live without a job for years," he said as he took another sip from his glass. "I can't believe you continue living like this."

Jungkook only shrugged nonchalantly. Jimin glanced at the television near the bar and hummed.

"Ya, Jungkook-ah. Look at the news."

Jungkook turned his head to the television too and let out a soft whistle when he saw the big headline on the box under the newscaster.


"Wait," Jungkook knotted his eyebrows. "Isn't he the second son? I thought the heir would always be the first child," Jungkook said in wonder. "Not that I know them personally. You're the one who often meets them right, with all of those chaebol gatherings you attended."

Jimin scoffed. "Chaebol gatherings?" He asked. Jungkook only raised his eyebrows, didn't think what he said was wrong. "Those gatherings are a monthly fundraiser ball and a place to widen business connection. Your older brother is always there, you know," Jimin said with a clipped tone. Jungkook only rolled his eyes.

"Chanwoo Hyung has to attend that for our business," Jungkook said. "Jimin-ah, stop scowling. I know you need to attend those stupid functions too," he said in the end when Jimin is still glaring at him.

"Well, I have responsibilities that I can't just leave behind, I don't want to face my father's wrath for neglecting our family business and see years of legacy crumbling down in my hands," Jimin complained dramatically. "Plus, they always offered good choices for wine. If you think you are done with your acting, you can attend too," Jimin said as he stared at Jungkook knowingly. Jungkook smirked at him.

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