Jeon jungkook

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Jeon Jungkook was born on the first of September in the year 1993 as the second son of the heir of the Daewoo Group, Jeon Ilsung, who had just turned thirty a month before Jungkook's birth and his wife, Kang Minseo. Jungkook had one older brother, Jeon Chanwoo, who was three years older than him. Compared to her labor with her first son, Jungkook's birth took a long time, and it was also challenging that the doctor had to administer labor induction drugs for her. After Jungkook was finally out of the womb into the world, the then young Kang Minseo, while holding her newborn son, vowed not to have another child anymore. Two sons were enough.

Jungkook grew up being coddled by his parents, and sometimes, also by his older brother. As the youngest son of his family, Jungkook never faced any difficulty. Every time he misbehaved and his caretaker tried to discipline him, Jungkook would take revenge by whining to his parents and got them fired. Both Jeon Ilsung and Kang Minseo never hesitated to attend to Jungkook's every wish. This treatment of his parents would later turn Jungkook to every parents' worst nightmares-or, in his case, to everyone. Jeon Jungkook grew up with the mindset that everyone had to follow his every wish, and everything had to go according to his will.

As the second son of a conglomerate family, Jungkook didn't bother about the responsibility of being the successor of his father since his older brother, Chanwoo, had been assigned as one since they were young. This also led to a stark difference in upbringing between Jungkook and his older brother, and strongly correlated to the inability of his parents to refuse his various demands, even when they were outrageous. Jungkook's parents also never took the complaints from his schools seriously, and they even changed the teachers that reported Jungkook's behavior. Jeon Ilsung and Kang Minseo believed that their youngest son wasn't in the wrong, and the complaints even existed because other people weren't competent enough to take care of their son. Both of them were willing to do anything to protect their sons, but their youngest was surely their priority, even Chanwoo just took at it is. Jungkook's older brother regarded this as the standard of things since it was understandable that his parents were stricter with him than his younger brother, he was the one who was going to be the business's successor in the future.


Despite Jungkook's parents' failure in his upbringing, Jungkook was a naturally gifted child.

Kang Minseo loved to brag about her sons in every chance that she got, especially in the functions where the wives of the powerful conglomerates gathered every month or so. She knew both of his sons were exceptionally good at everything, especially Jungkook.

Jungkook excelled in every single thing he studied, even on the most trivial and unnecessary things. With the endless resources and facilities that his parents provided for him, Jungkook was able to grow to his maximum potentials. Jungkook quickly ate every knowledge that his tutors gave him. He had mastered three musical instruments before he entered Junior High School even when he didn't pay attention to the teachers. Jungkook was the fastest student in his Taekwondo dojo to receive a black yet, in only two years-he was also the youngest too. Not only in extracurricular activities, but Jungkook also excelled academically too. He especially loved calculus, mathematic, and physic. Jungkook represented his school for those three subjects' Olympiads and won gold medals in them. Kang Minseo, who never missed any of Jungkook's competitions, had lost count on how many times she clapped happily for Jungkook as her youngest son stood proud on the podium. She even built a room for Jungkook's medals and trophies, Kang Minseo visited the place quite often just to delve in the feeling of satisfaction, and of course, to take pride in herself for having such perfect son.

Later, Jungkook would receive a full scholarship for the prestigious Accounting major at Seoul National University. His superb intelligence, along with amazing achievements throughout his school years, helped him tremendously. But, behind the perfect image of the youngest son of the Daewoo Group, laid a shocking secret that was buried neatly. Jungkook was completely clean from any misdeeds. In the eyes of the scholarship committee members that checked his papers, Jungkook was just a perfect smart boy with a highly respected family background from the most expensive private school in South Korea.

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