uninvited - Kim taehyung

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It is finally the weekend, Jungkook thought as his hand swayed to the bedside table, trying to smash the snooze button on his phone. He cursed himself for forgetting to set his morning alarm off on the weekend, Jungkook let out a soft breath of relief when it was finally off. Morning sunray was seeping through the little gaps between the bedroom's curtains, and when Jungkook tried to open his eyes, he felt like the lids were sticking together to the bottom lashes. Jungkook groaned. He propped himself up to sit on the bed while he looked around the room. He saw a heap of dirty clothes inside their laundry basket, almost full. Jungkook moved from the laundry to the corner of their room and saw clutters of music magazines on top of the desk, Yoongi kept them purposefully to prevent him from going insane from his workloads.

Jungkook noticed the slightest movement from his side, and his eyes flew to see a tuft of black hair peeking through the blanket. Yoongi was still asleep, his soft and long breaths indicating that he was still in a deep sleep. Jungkook pulled the blanket down slowly to reveal Yoongi's peaceful sleeping face, and he couldn't fight the smile that was forming on his face. Jungkook leaned closer to Yoongi's face and placed a chaste kiss on his cheek. He stayed on his position for a few more seconds just to appreciate Yoongi's beauty from up close.

"Yoongi-ah," Jungkook whispered, careful not to wake the younger up. Yoongi didn't give any indication that he was awake from it. His eyes were still sealed shut, although he moved slightly and buried his head deeper his pillow. "My beautiful Yoongi," Jungkook continued. He stroked Yoongi's cheekbone once, then trailed his finger to his cheek, and stopping on the corner of his lips. Jungkook smiled when Yoongi stirred, an annoyed expression crossed his face before he went back to his deep sleep. Jungkook let out a soft giggle, placed another kiss on the younger's cheek, then he darted to the side of the bed. Jungkook turned his head to glance at Yoongi once before he stood up from the bed and made his way out of the bedroom.

Jungkook closed the bedroom door gently, trying to make less noise as possible not to wake Yoongi up. The younger hated being woken up this early, especially at the weekend. Jungkook wouldn't risk having a cranky Yoongi all day long. He made his way slowly to the kitchen, and he couldn't but feel that something was not right. He felt odd. He didn't know why he felt this way either, as soon as Jungkook opened his bedroom door, he felt an uneasy feeling filling his body. His apartment was also too quiet. Weird.

He smelt a scent of freshly brewed coffee coming from his kitchen. That was strange, he thought, did Yoongi wake up earlier than me to brew coffee then went back to sleep?

Jungkook's question got it answers right away when he reached the entrance of the kitchen and saw a familiar face, sitting comfortably on one of the dinings chairs while sipping a cup of coffee and reading a newspaper. Jungkook froze. He saw this face so many times on the news, plastered on the front page of the papers, on the brochures from Yoongi's company that the younger sometimes brought home. Jungkook went cold when the man lifted his face from what he was reading, seemingly notice Jungkook's presence, and smiled. Jungkook couldn't help but think that he needed anything to protect himself, that smile looked nice, but he knew that it hid layers of the man's real personality.

"Ah, if it's not Jeon Jungkook in the flesh," the low baritone voice of Kim Taehyung broke the tense silence between the two men. "My prediction is right, you wake up earlier than him," the cheerful tone creeped Jungkook out. "I decided that it is time to introduce myself to you properly," Taehyung added. He said all of those things so lightly like there was nothing wrong with them. He took another sip of coffee and put his cup on the table, then he closed the newspaper to look at Jungkook finally, his dark eyes observing him intensely.

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