From a wolf to a snake

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Jungkook had been played.

Pathetically fell to the trap set by Kim Taehyung.

For once, he realized that Taehyung was right. Jungkook was too emotional, too wrapped up inside his anger and hatred that he couldn't see clearly the hideous trap that Taehyung laid for him.

Jungkook was vulnerable. Years he thought that no one would dig on his past, to let the blackest years of his life buried peacefully. Jungkook always thought that no one would even dare to uncover them. He was not embarrassed by his past-no-but he knew that he would be screwed over really badly if someone discovered them. Jungkook trusted his family's resources. He knew that his parents and his older brother wouldn't fail him in any way. Their family reputation was on the stake if they got out-his reputation was at stake.

Jungkook knew that his family hired an infamous firm to cover his trail, to hide everything. He entered adulthood, hoping that he could start anew and create this persona that surely not him, but he would certainly enchant people because of it. Jungkook found a new source of happiness because of it, Yoongi.

Jungkook's Min Yoongi.

And, Taehyung came out of nowhere and snatched him away from under his nose. The sense of security that he had been built for years to benefit him perfectly also threatened to be destroyed by that man.

Of course, it must be the man he hired that almost pushed him off the cliff. Jungkook thought really hard after Namjoon didn't return any of his calls anymore, his number suddenly went offline, Jungkook couldn't find his contact person, he disappeared. As if, Namjoon was deliberately there when he was desperate enough to search for someone who could help him track Yoongi. He had his move predicted by Taehyung, and that man exploited his explosive emotions.

He was sure that Yoongi must have returned to Seoul with Taehyung by his side. Jungkook knew that even if he could find the younger's grandparent's house, Yoongi wouldn't be there. And, if his intuition was right then, Kim Taehyung had already made Yoongi's grandmother sided with him.

Now, Jungkook had to plan everything again from the start. He had to learn how Taehyung's mind worked for him to beat him at his own game. Jungkook refused to be humiliated like a fool. This time he would enter this ridiculous competition with a clear mind and take back what was his in the first place.


It was the second time that Yoongi had stepped foot inside Kim Taehyung's house. His first memory of this house was not exactly nice since that fateful day started all of the miserable things that had been following him for the past few months.

He didn't observe the house closely in his first visit with how distraught he was before. Now that Yoongi could actually look around that he realized how marvelous Taehyung's house was. Surprisingly, it was not that big if Yoongi compared it to his grandmother's mansion in Daegu, but it was huge for Seoul's standard, especially since it was a three-story landed house.

The house itself was situated strategically near the Han river, and the room that Taehyung had prepared and decorated for him was facing the river directly. It was a beautiful view, and Yoongi was sure it would be more beautiful at dusk and dawn. He entered every room in the house, from the first floor with the standard rooms like drawing room, living room, dining room, and all that, and the second floor with each huge bedroom, to the third floor that full of antiques and strange things that Yoongi had never seen before in his life. There was this door at the end of the hallway on the third floor that was locked, Yoongi was intrigued by it, but the attendant that accompanied him touring the house said that only Taehyung could enter that room. She would not yield even after Yoongi kind of begged her.

I SET MY EYES ON YOU ~ Taegi / Yoonkook ff (Complete!)Where stories live. Discover now