Rebecca's diary 🎀

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Sunday, October  9, 2016

Dear Diary,

I'm about to turn 23 and I can't seem to become an adult. I'm a bit fed up with routine, fed up with other people hurting me. I'd like to disappear or live alone for a few years. Just yesterday I was subjected to harassment and gratuitous nastiness! Because of these bitches, I stood up my best friend Bérénice. I know she was angry with me, but she turned a blind eye. I've decided not to listen to other people's opinions any more. I'm thinking about Garcia. I don't want anything to do with him. He's been useless all these years. My parents insisted that I travel and free myself from my fantasies, but I refused categorically.

To tell the truth, I'm writing to you, dear Diary, because yesterday I had that same dream, reliving my holiday in Picardie. This place that I hate holds a mystery that I'm having trouble solving. This mystery made me what I am now.When my mother decided to go there, I was less than ten years old. My father loved the farm and the woods. We had to be as close as possible to these places to make the most of our two-week holiday. My parents wanted to go hiking or walk for hours in the forest. One day, we went for a walk to make the most of our good fortune. I was dissipated and a bit overexcited during the walk. The forest had a very pretty circuit, close to the road, as well as beautiful greenery. A lovely fragrant smell wafted through the air. While my parents were arguing about the cost of the holiday and the house, I wandered away from the track, attracted by the beauty of a doe. As I followed her, I didn't realise that I was getting lost in the woods. The doe had left my field of vision and I found myself in the middle of the road. That day, I seemed to have come across a young man, standing facing the doe, his teeth on its neck, drinking its blood. He drank it with intensity and delicacy. The doe let him bite her, but didn't seem to be in any pain. I backed away, my heart beating fast, trying to hide behind a bush. I was so scared that my legs were shaking. When the young man straightened up to wipe his blood-covered lips, I screamed in fear. The doe had escaped, I'd been unmasked. As I tried to flee, a lorry pulled up. I thought I was going to die, but this quick young man came to my rescue. I remember he had blood everywhere and eyes as grey as silver. His gaze was transcendent... It was as if I could no longer feel my heart beating in my chest. The driver got out of his car immediately and saw my parents arriving. The young man, my hero, had driven off. After that mysterious encounter, blurred images often came back to haunt me. I had the impression of having experienced other things and of having crossed paths with a strange creature. Since that day, I've been dressing in black and deliberately isolating myself from others. It worries my parents, who never knew me like this! I'm not crazy, as the shrink suggested, I'm just a fanatic of dark creatures, and I'm happy with that.

Finally, my dear diary, I keep seeing this memory in my dreams. I have to rewrite it every time I revisit that moment in my life. This young man remains a part of me, an unfinished jigsaw puzzle. Picardie also holds mysteries that I can't quite decipher. My parents like it there because they know people and have their own customs, but I don't like the climate there. However, if I ever want to see my hero again, I have to go back to Picardie, even though I hate it there.

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